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¥ 1300.00
开发需求按照文档沟通与交流沟通我跟你解析文档、1、路径的问题 。2、会员体系分销直推团队奖励的问题。 邀请大于v1会员-人数大于或等于 固定的基础获得奖励。 3-4-5- 6.都是样式。7.注释的问题。 8.数据调用 9.语言包切换的问题。语言包本就这套程序对应的试用。语言模板都是好不需要你额外翻译。
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 3000
岗位要求: 1.具有3年以上前端工作经验,本科学历,计算机、通信、软件等相关专业。 2.精通常用的数据结构和算法,对软件架构和编程思想有深刻理解。 3.熟练掌握Uniapp,Element UI、HTML5、CSS3、 JavaScript,jquery; 4.精通Vue2框架,了解Anqular、React等前端主流 MVC/MVVM框架; 5.熟练掌握git代码管理工具: 4.熟悉TCP/IP、HTTP等通信协议: 4.熟悉前端工程化与模块化开发,熟悉主流打包工具(如webpack): 5.熟悉各种浏览器平台的特性,能够很好地解决兼容问题; 7.熟练掌握微信小程序的开发流
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 2000
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 50000
APP 架构
APP 主要有“热门推荐”、“产品分类”、“购物车”、“我的”、“更多”等页面:
[热门推荐] - 包含消息中心、轮播广告位、产品推荐等功能;
[产品分类] - 产品各类别分类,点击可查看产品详情页;
[购物车] - 类似淘宝京东购物车模块;
[订单] - 类似淘宝京东订单模块;
[我的] - 包含收益展示、图标展示资产明细、交易记录、银行卡管理、取现等功能。
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 500
vue项目,负责开发前端功能,熟悉vue elementUI框架 项目交付物: 按照需求完成相应模块开发。要求时间多,能够保证按时完成功能的开发
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 1000
vue项目,负责开发前端功能,熟悉vue elementUI框架 项目交付物: 按照需求完成相应模块开发。要求时间多,能够保证按时完成功能的开发
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Map the Force Within You! — Find the fastest Starship to save the rebel base in New York
“ Super cool launch! 🚀 Good fun ” – Arpit Mishra Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Estimote UWB Beacons — Spatial awareness for your mobile apps
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Crypto Index Fund Simulator — Simulate investments in a wide range of crypto themes
“ In the context of personal finance, crypto should likely play some part in your investment strategy, if only to help give you some potential upside long term as well as diversify your overall investments. What does it look like, practically, to hold crypto? There are 10's of thousands of currencies, all of which can and do change drastically. Just like you should diversify your overall investments, you should likely diversify your crypto holdings as well. But...how? We've just released a new free Crypto Index Fund simulator to help guide you! The simulator lets you compare different themes (Blue Chip, DeFi, Alt and NFT) to figure out what is best for you! Just use the pre-made funds as a starting point and then customize the allocation to see how they've performed in the past. 🎉 ” – Josh Pigford Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
PlayThatSheet — Enjoy your sax on real tracks without knowing music theory!
“ As a nerd innovator that started to play an instrument from scratch in my busy life of entrepreneur, CTO, dad, crossfit amateur, beef eater, I needed to find a way to learn fast and if possible, take some shortcut to enjoy playing saxophone asap. As I didn't know absolutely nothing about music theory (aka solfege), this complex boring norm used to play any track in a finger snap (when you are used to read it), I detected that it will be a blocking point on my learning path. So I decided to hack music theory and find a way to play any track in 2minutes taking into account my beginner level and my lack of theorical knowledge : quite a big challenge! Playthatsheet.com was born out of this challenge and is now offering more than 20k tracks for free to be played with tablature (for sax,trumpet,tuba,recorder flute) or for more advanced player with solfege sheet, tempo change, transposition, play from mic, and more... ” – Luc BONNIN Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Zink — Receive micro-tips (from $0.05) from your online audience
“ Zink is an easy way to receive micro-donations (from $0.05) for what you create or share to the internet. ⚡️ Create your tip jar page in 10sec 😎 Share it along your content or use the widget on your site 💸 Receive micro-tips from your appreciative audience Hey PH, Zink.tips co-founder here 👋 The internet is built collectively by people sharing their art, knowledge or expertise. We build Zink to provide an easy way to show appreciation for their work, whether that's a life-saving forum answer, an insightful article, or a useful website. Some real-world example 🔥 Victor's personal jar: https://zink.tips/victor Memegine.com (using the widget): https://memegine.com Features: - One click micro-donations: 1 click = $0.05 - Frictionless for tipper: No form to fill. No credit card to enter. Tip now, pay later. - Your own tip jar page: Short and memorable (zink.tips/you) so you can share anywhere - Tip jar Widget: Add you tip jar directly to your website with a single line of code. – Multiple payout options: Paypal and direct bank transfer (Stripe). – In the pipeline: more payment options (Crypto, Interledger...), more customization, developer integration and more... ” – Théo Champion Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Map the Force — Find the fastest Starship to save the rebel base in New York
“ Super cool launch! 🚀 Good fun ” – Arpit Mishra Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 1500.00
主要开发的需求- 数据调用 样式调整 直推推广--分销逻辑功能新增。 加扣发需求文档
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Forevory — The Revolutionary New Way To Remember Lost Loved Ones
“ In the 12th grade, Nathaniel Felder knew nothing about his great-grandmother and wanted to create a project to help remember her so she and her legacy is never forgotten. 4 years later, his idea became serious during the covid-19 pandemic. "People weren't getting the closure and grief they deserved to have. I was worried people wouldn't be remembered properly and their stories wouldn't be told, said Nathaniel." Forevory hopes to give everyone the ability to create a new, unique, and meaningful project so all can be remembered forever. ” – Nathaniel Felder Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 1000
我自己有一个高并发服务器模型,希望你们能帮我改改代码,能往我那个里面加入一个选课系统。能实现,我启动服务器之后,通过主机号和接口号进入网站,然后在网站里面可以进行登录和注册。登录成功后可以进行选课功能(就比如大学生选课) 我的高并发服务器模型: # WebServer 用C++实现的高性能WEB服务器,经过webbenchh压力测试可以实现上万的QPS ## 环境要求 * Linux * C++14 * MySql
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Kontxt — Turn the web into a workspace
“ Hey, I’m Dave, the founder of Kontxt.io (https://www.kontxt.io). Engage directly on the web and save, organize, and share highlights and notes. Follow people. Join groups. And search content. Here’s a 2-minute demo (https://youtu.be/Th4vaOzuGnU). It works on desktop and mobile. The web layer is like Google-Doc collaboration on the entire web, and it’s connected to a web app that’s like a combo of DropBox to save and organize your findings, and Twitter-like follows and Reddit-like groups to share and discover bite-sized article highlights with other people. 1.) The Social Web Layer has rich collaboration features with privacy and share controls: Inline highlights, tags, polls, comments, @mentions, deep-links to anything you add to the page, and navigation between parts. The web layer can be added to any site or PDF with a single line of javascript. This is done with a browser extension, bookmarklet, or added to a page directly by the site owner with the word-press plugin or hard-coded javascript. 2.) The CMS and Social Network lets you organize with folders that have privacy and share controls, a profile with your public highlights, a feed of highlights from people you follow, groups with feeds around topics, and the ability to search your content and what others share publicly. For years, I had a long commute, so I read online a lot. There’s too much to read everything, and you only know if an article is “worth-it” after you read it. Then it hit me. Highlights! 1.) On the page with navigation, 2.) visible before you open the link, and 3.) to increase quality and relevance, follow and search highlights by trusted people like friends, co-workers, university peers, and industry leaders. There’s too much information and not enough time. Highlights are short, useful, and fast to read. Kontxt.io lets you direct attention to what matters. First, it lets you find quality sources from trusted people, then it lets you focus on the important parts of them. Kontxt basically turns the web into an interactive workspace so you can have rich web interactions with other Kontxt users. Or you can extract highlights into a shareable link and post it anywhere on the web–with analytics for what you share. Highlights are automatically saved to the CMS and based on their privacy settings, may be published to feeds in the social network for others to see. Naturally, you may want to discuss the same site with different people for disparate reasons, so you can create multiple highlight layers on a single site, each with Google-Doc-like sharing, privacy, and authorization controls. It’s now evolved into a general communication and engagement platform for the web. Here’s how Kontxt has been used or where people expressed interest: social news aggregator, productivity, research & planning (generally, and specifically for sales, law, & finance), knowledge-base, training & education, publisher inline-engagement system, etc. Kontxt gets to the point fast. It brings collaboration directly to the web itself and is already part of your natural workflow since it's always with you every click of the way. The social network is unique since it uses highlights to seed discussions. This has many benefits. Highlights mean people have actually read the article, the source is cited, and parts can’t be misconstrued because you have context. It’s also a human filter of the internet. A site is likely worthwhile if someone took the time to highlight it, and if someone found it useful, then someone “like” them probably will, too. Similarly, if someone’s not willing to highlight a site before they send it to you, it’s probably not worth your time. And highlights will increase how many people actually read what you send them because they’re short, useful, and fast to read. I’m excited to share this with all of you. Thanks for your time. Please leave any feedback or questions in the comments. ” – David Bodin Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
iPreview — Powerful macOS Quick Look Extension Application
“ 👋 Hi PH family and fellow makers. This App solves the problem that some files cannot be previewed in macOS Finder, Quick Look, Spotlight, and provides many practical functions, such as Code Highlighting, Markdown & Jupyter rendering preview, Webp & Avif picture preview and display picture size, supports a variety of 3d model files and Animation preview, support Dark mode, etc. Help you greatly improve the macOS experience and work efficiency. 💻 Available also on Mac AppStore. 🚀 Features 👨💻 Source Code • Supported multiple Source Code file, .js, jsx, tsx, .vue, .css, .less, .scss, .wxml, .wxss, .ux, objc, .swift, .java, .kotlin, .dart, .py, .rb, .rs, .go, .R, .f90, .pl, .jl, .json, .yml, .list, .properties, .gradle, .iml and many more. • Supported Dark Mode and multiple Syntax highlight theme. 📄 Document • Supported Markdown, Jupyter. • Supported Math typeset. 📦 3D Models • Supported multiple 3d Model file, .3ds, .ac, .ase, .b3d, .blend, .cob, .dae, .csm, .dxf, .fbx, .lwo, .md2, .md5mesh, .mdl, .ms3d, .nff, .obj, .off,.ply, .q3o, .smd, .stl and many more. • Render mode, Phsics, Bounding boxes, Wireframe, Skeleton, etc. • Animation. 🏞 Images • Supported Webp, Avif, eps. • Supported display image size. 💼 Archive • Supported .zip, .7z, .gz, .rar, .tar. • Supported display file name, size, date. 💬 Subtitle • Supported .ass, .srt. ⚙️ Other • README, LICENSE, Gemfile, Podfile, Makefile, Dockerfile and many more. 🧐 How to use • You can disable or re-enable iPreview in System Preferences > Extensions; 🥰 Thanks a lot for checking and have a nice day & stay safe. ” – Oahz Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
TinyStacks — Code to cloud in minutes
“ AWS is notoriously complicated. With TinyStacks, you get: ✅ Transparent, production-ready infra on your AWS in minutes ✅ Just Git Push ✅ Operate with quick controls for env vars and logs ✅ 1-click stages, feature environments and ephemeral stacks ✅ Cost-optimized and Auto-scaling from Day 1 **Why TinyStacks?** We know the complexity of the cloud has compounded - every major provider now has 200+ services - and, honestly, some of that is our fault. Our team built 19 consoles including RDS, Redshift, and more. Teams are spending exponentially more on managing the cloud than their actual cloud bill with DevOps engineers, consultants, engineering time and if you can afford it — large platform teams. **Another Heroku 2.0?** Before we started TinyStacks, we asked ourselves a few questions: - Is the status quo of the cloud acceptable to developers? - If not, what does that future look like? Is it really Heroku 2.0 — another black box? - If not, what does it look like? Infrastructure-as-code? Who writes this code? - Who should be able to build on the cloud — any engineer or just DevOps engineers? Our vision for TinyStacks is to bring back the cloud to the masses - not with a black-box - but with transparency and simplicity. Engineers push code and DevOps engineers evolve into platform engineers empowering teams with blueprints and best practices. Try TinyStacks for Free: https://www.tinystacks.com ” – Safeer Mohiuddin Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
¥ 500
一、需求描述: 类别:抢购脚本制作 功能:账号密码登录网页,抢购商品,无验证码人机验证,需解决抢购时人数过多导致响应缓慢问题(手动抢购时加载页面非常缓慢)
Technology & Programming
974 days ago
Jobilist — The only job board you will ever need.
“ Hello hunters, 👋 We are very excited to introduce our first product to the community. It is simple and straightforward job board for both job seekers and employers. It is affordable, beautiful and opensource. Website: https://jobilist.com GitHub: https://github.com/jobilist/jobi... We were looking for a job and visited a number of job boards, but we noticed that they were all bulky and displayed useless information, were spammed with advertisements, and so on. So we decided to build a basic and effective job board. Build with, Remix.run Railway.app Prisma (PostgreSQL) ” – Vaibhav Acharya Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming
974 days ago