PlayThatSheet — Enjoy your sax on real tracks without knowing music theory!

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
1037 days ago


“ As a nerd innovator that started to play an instrument from scratch in my busy life of entrepreneur, CTO, dad, crossfit amateur, beef eater, I needed to find a way to learn fast and if possible, take some shortcut to enjoy playing saxophone asap. As I didn't know absolutely nothing about music theory (aka solfege), this complex boring norm used to play any track in a finger snap (when you are used to read it), I detected that it will be a blocking point on my learning path. So I decided to hack music theory and find a way to play any track in 2minutes taking into account my beginner level and my lack of theorical knowledge : quite a big challenge! was born out of this challenge and is now offering more than 20k tracks for free to be played with tablature (for sax,trumpet,tuba,recorder flute) or for more advanced player with solfege sheet, tempo change, transposition, play from mic, and more... ” – Luc BONNIN Discussion | Link

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