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Technology & Programming Upwork Overseas
829 days ago
I'm a small business owner who teaches Spanish to adults - https://lamariposaspanishlessons.com/ (please don't judge my homepage, it needs some love, but I'm working on building out some other pages and funnels before I do a total overhaul on the homepage) I'm looking for someone to create three landing pages for me. To make things as straightforward as possible, I have already created some very rudimentary designs on Canva to show what I'm looking to create (with a touch of your genius to make it pretty!) Page #1: My beginner Spanish lead magnet (making it a long-form page) - the current page looks like this: https://lamariposaspanishlessons.com/the-spanish-priority-plan-for-beginners/ - basic design - https://www.canva.com/design/DAFMDTrLl0c/LmjB1Z3a6wyVEwCokgneYQ/view?utm_content=DAFMDTrLl0c&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Page #2: My intermediate Spanish lead magnet (making it a longer-form page) - the current page looks like this: https://lamariposaspanishlessons.com/the-spanish-priority-plan-for-intermediate-and-beyond - https://www.canva.com/design/DAFMDkj5Z2g/kajI7u5r13IK8jJkqa021g/view?utm_content=DAFMDkj5Z2g&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton Page #3: a waitlist sign-up page for my upcoming course - This will be a brand new page - https://www.canva.com/design/DAFMDrpwNW8/GvlJ8uWD7IaL4j9rHbeiqg/view?utm_content=DAFMDrpwNW8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton It's also important that these pages are all mobile responsive. Looking forward to chatting with you! Dominique
Technology & Programming Upwork Overseas
829 days ago