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• 主页
1. 首页3 个按钮入口
a. Start Now:点击后,进入 tiktok 下载功能页面;
b. My Download:点击后,进入已下载列表页面;
c. How to Download:点击后,进入帮助页面;
2. 帮助页面
a. 放置如何下载tiktok视频的帮助文档;
b. 该页面点击左上角返回按钮或者系统back键,返回到跳转前的页面;
i. 有两个跳转入口:主页、tiktok下载功能页面;
• tiktok 下载功能
1. 左上角返回按钮,点击后返回主页(系统back键也返回主页)
2. 右上角依次放置tiktok图标和帮助按钮;
a. 点击tiktok图标,跳转tiktokapp;
i. 如果手机没有安装 tiktok app,则点击没有反应
b. 点击帮助按钮,进入帮助页面;
3. 输入 url
a. 点击输入栏,手动输入 / 粘贴
b. 点击 paste 按钮,在输入栏中贴入剪贴板的内容
c. 冷热启动,当用户进入 tiktok 下载功能,检测剪贴板内容是否符合 tiktok url 格式,如果符合则自动开始解析和下载
i. 在 tiktok 下载功能中(home页 + download页)才会自动解析剪贴板内容是否符合 tiktok url 格式
ii. 符合 tiktok url 格式,开始解析,就清空剪贴板中的内容
4. share 方式下载
a. 从 tiktok 将视频直接 share 到 app,自动跳转至 tiktok 下载主页(home),直接开始下载流程中的解析步骤

• My Download 页面
1. tiktok icon(作用和首页相同)
2. 下载内容列表
a. 无数据时,展示空界面展位图 + 文案
b. 有数据时,展示缩略图、播放标志、视频大小
c. 排序:按照视频成功下载的时间排序,最新下载的排在最前面
3. 视频浏览
a. 视频自动播放,播放完成回到第一帧暂停并展示播放按钮
b. 播放中点击视频,暂停播放并出现播放按钮;点击播放按钮继续播放
c. 播放界面下方进度条可拖动,进度条前方有播放/暂停按钮
d. 点击左上角的返回按钮,回到下载内容列表
4. 左上角返回按钮,或者点击系统返回键,返回首页;

tiktok downloader
Technology & Programming 码市 China
953 days ago
1.算法主机包含图像采集、视觉处理、结果输出(to业务主机、to 相机IO输出)统计存档 四项主要功能。建议从源码中剥离出算法代码(包括传统算法与深度学习)、调用相机的代码,将这部分代码部署到算法主机上。
Technology & Programming 码市 China
953 days ago
Technology & Programming 开源众包 China
953 days ago
“ Hey Product Hunt 👋 , Anil here, Co-Founder at EasyQuant. WHAT IS EASYQUANT? EasyQuant is an investment app that my Co-Founder Moritz and I have been working on for several months. Our goal is to change how people begin investing, whether they want to retire comfortably or save for a significant life event. We will do it by breaking down the huge learning barrier that beginners face when they are about to make their first moves in their investment journeys. THE PROBLEM AND WHY CURRENT SOLUTIONS DON'T WORK Current neo-brokers solved the problem of not being able to easily access the stock market. However, being able to buy or sell an asset easily, does not mean you know how to make the right investment decisions. That's why we are building EasyQuant, the first broker that helps you invest and learn at the same time, through our personalized recommendations and feedback, easy-to-follow information on all available assets, and extensive but again easy-to-follow learning material on financial literacy. WHAT WE BELIEVE IN We strongly believe that every single person should be able to simply understand how to invest their money, and apply those understandings to build a better future for themselves, without sacrificing the ethics and values they believe in. WHAT WE ARE DOING NOW At this point, we are looking for Beta users to collect feedback from and build the future of EasyQuant together with. Beta users will have access to our prototype and the app in pre-release. As a form of gratitude, we will also make EasyQuant free of charge forever for our Beta users. For support and questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us! ” – Anıl Akarsu Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming China
954 days ago




1. 算法主机包含图像采集、视觉处理、结果输出(to业务主机、to 相机IO输出)统计存档 四项主要功能功能。建议从源码中剥离出算法代码(包括传统算法与深度学习)、调用相机的代码,将这部分代码部署到算法主机上。

2. 算法主机接收业务主机指令以后启动算法程序。算法程序主要使用多线程控制两台相机实时获取并处理图像,然后把图片和竹席片分类信息显示在算法主机屏幕上;

3. 算法程序需要加密,业务主机与算法主机之间的通讯需要加密,为防止算法代码泄露,算法程序应只能通过业务主机提供的信号去调用;数据通讯周期可配置;

4. 算法主机不得独立使用,算法主机工作必须由业务主机授权。

5. 业务主机主界面上显示:





6. 业务主机紧急停机判断逻辑(防堵料):在拍照前有布置传感器,如果传感器被触发,但相机未被触发拍照,即为发生堵料。


Technology & Programming 开源众包 China
954 days ago
“ Hey ProductHunt, I can't tell you how happy I am to share this launch with you. More than a new website, this is the culmination of a year-long project to completely redefine the developer experience when building, deploying & scale applications. Our new website makes it crystal clear that, whatever architecture you're building on, you can build on Scaleway. From Serverless architecture to Elastic Metal and everything in between - if you can code it, we can host it. But we didn't stop there. We rolled out a brand new onboarding experience, tailor-made to help startups get access to more cloud credits faster. If you're building something awesome and looking to move fast, you can go from creating an account to leveraging credits in minutes, and our Startup Program team will get you time with our solutions architects and technical account managers to make sure you build something robust and won't break as you scale. We redesigned our documentation experience as well, making Scaleway the easiest cloud provider for developers to get started on. If you're used to building payments on Stripe, coding text messages with Twilio, you'll have an easy time spinning up your first instance or deploying your first Kubernetes nodes with Scaleway. As you know, the work doesn't stop on launch day, it starts on launch day. I'd love to hear back from hunters what doesn't work for you, what you'd love to see from Scaleway and, more generally, how cloud providers can help makers to move faster and worry less about their infrastructure. ” – Liam Boogar Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming China
954 days ago