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“ Hi Product Hunt! 👋 After launching InterviewKit in January, I'm super happy to launch my second product on here: 📒 WhatFields! Hope you like it :) 🧩 The problem: documenting things is hard One thing I'm missing when building apps is a simple way to document fields. I currently use Notion a lot, which works okay, but lacks structure so quickly becomes messy. Other documentation apps feel very complex – while there is certainly a space for generating and automating docs, most of the time I just want something with no dependencies that I can create quickly and share with others. 💭 The idea: a simple way to document fields Whether you're creating a database, API, proposal or anything that has code and fields, you should be able to quickly document how people can use it and share it with others. WhatFields aims to be a single & open source of truth. You can sign up with Google or Twitter, and create your own documentation page by claiming your unique link. Simply add documents, code examples, and fields. Each field can have its own description, type (with definitions) and code examples too. When you're done, just share your link with others! 🧑‍💻 Built in two days This project started out as an idea I shared on Twitter. I decided to build it in a weekend, and launched a V0.1 last Sunday (which then resulted in 100+ users!) I've been able to spend another few evenings on this last week, so this is V0.2. Still very alpha, but hopefully it provides enough to be helpful! ❤️ Thank you! Special thanks to everyone who has tested the app and supported me in building this! It's 100% free, so please try it out and let me know what you think :) ” – Jeroen Riemens Discussion | Link
Technology & Programming China
952 days ago
功能简介 基于现有代码的解决方案进行修改。 采取分布式设计,一台业务主机对多台算力主机,socket加密通讯。不论用户支付还是试用,业务主机发送信息启动算力主机中的运算程序。 算力主机开发环境Halcon18.11、VS2022、相机驱动(吹气功能属于相机IO) 本项目基于深度学习的应用,采图可保存在算法主机本地,同时支持将算法主机的图片统一传输到业务主机。方便远程取图回公司训练。 核心需求 1.算法主机包含图像采集、视觉处理、结果输出(to业务主机、to 相机IO输出)统计存档 四项主要功能。建议从源码中剥离出算法代码(包括传统算法与深度学习)、调用相机的代码,将这部分代码部署到算法主机上。 2.算法主机接收业务主机指令以后启动算法程序。算法程序主要使用多线程控制两台相机实时获取并处理图像,然后把图片和竹席片分类信息显示在算法主机屏幕上; 3.算法程序需要加密,业务主机与算法主机之间的通讯需要加密,为防止算法代码泄露,算法程序应只能通过业务主机提供的信号去调用;数据通讯周期可配置; 4.算法主机不得独立使用,算法主机工作必须由业务主机授权。 5.业务主机主界面上显示: 整机设备状态(正常、报警、停机等); 分机设备硬件(算法主机、io设备)状态; 工作模式(采图、试用、付费等); 分级回传信息(算法主机编号、竹席片等级信息、算法耗时统计) 6.业务主机紧急停机判断逻辑(防堵料):在拍照前有布置传感器,如果传感器被触发,但相机未被触发拍照,即为发生堵料。 额外需求 1.业务主机主界面通过远程桌面(或者类似的不占用算力资源的形式)反馈每台算法主机显示的图片; 要求整个项目完成时间不得超过10天,有意向者,可加微信详谈ID:TF17691076037;
Technology & Programming 人人开发 China
953 days ago