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How to join multiple lines of file names into one with custom delimiter?

I would like to join the result of ls -1 into one line and delimit it with whatever i want.

Are there any standard Linux commands I can use to achieve this?


Similar to the very first option but omits the trailing delimiter

ls -1 | paste -sd "," -

Just as a note, the version of paste I tried requires a "-" argument at the end to tell it to read from STDIN. e.g. ls -1 | paste -s -d ":" - Not sure if that's universal with all versions of paste
this one is better because it allows empty delimiter :)
Note paste gets - (standard input) as default, at least on my paste (GNU coreutils) 8.22.
i just upvoted it, this is and now it has the same votes as the selected answer. THIS IS THE ANSWER. no trailing delimeter
The empty delimiter can be specified using "\0", so paste -sd "\0" - worked for me!

EDIT: Simply "ls -m" If you want your delimiter to be a comma

Ah, the power and simplicity !

ls -1 | tr '\n' ','

Change the comma "," to whatever you want. Note that this includes a "trailing comma" (for lists that end with a newline)

+1, but a more elaborate version should handle last \n differently
If the file name contains a \n in it, this will replace that too.
@ShreevatsaR: he means to not append a trailing "," I believe. like so ls -1 | tr "\\n" "," | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1/'
@Chris: your sed could be a little more efficient with the end-marker character: ls -1 | tr "\\n" "," | sed 's/,$//'; echo ''
Using sed after tr seems just to remove last symbol seems unreasonable. I go with ls -1 | tr '\n' ',' | head -c -1
Dennis Williamson

This replaces the last comma with a newline:

ls -1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/'

ls -m includes newlines at the screen-width character (80th for example).

Mostly Bash (only ls is external):

saveIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'
files=($(ls -1))

Using readarray (aka mapfile) in Bash 4:

readarray -t files < <(ls -1)

Thanks to gniourf_gniourf for the suggestions.

This will not take care of files with white spaces in the name. Try this one: dir=/tmp/testdir; rm -rf $dir && mkdir $dir && cd /$dir && touch "this is a file" this_is_another_file && ls -1 && files=($(ls -1)) && list=${files[@]/%/,} && list=${list%*,} && echo $list
@dimir: Many of the answers to this question suffer from this problem. I have edited my answer to allow for filenames with tabs or spaces, but not newlines.
Your bash version suffers from pathname expansions too. To build an array from lines, please consider using mapfile (Bash ≥4) as: mapfile -t files < <(ls -1). No need to fiddle with IFS. And it's shorter too.
And when you have your array, you can use IFS to join the fields: saveIFS=$IFS; IFS=,; list=${files[*]}; IFS=$saveIFS. Or use another method if you want a separator with more that one character.
@gniourf_gniourf: I have included your suggestions in my answer. Thanks.

I think this one is awesome

ls -1 | awk 'ORS=","'

ORS is the "output record separator" so now your lines will be joined with a comma.

This does not exclude the trailing delimiter.
This is especially awesome due to handling multi-character record separators (e.g., " OR ")

Parsing ls in general is not advised, so alternative better way is to use find, for example:

find . -type f -print0 | tr '\0' ','

Or by using find and paste:

find . -type f | paste -d, -s

For general joining multiple lines (not related to file system), check: Concise and portable “join” on the Unix command-line.

glenn jackman

The combination of setting IFS and use of "$*" can do what you want. I'm using a subshell so I don't interfere with this shell's $IFS

(set -- *; IFS=,; echo "$*")

To capture the output,

output=$(set -- *; IFS=,; echo "$*")

Do you have some more information regarding how set works? Looks a bit like voodoo to me. shallow look through man set didn't net me much information either.
If you give set a bunch of arguments but no options, it sets the positional parameters ($1, $2, ...). -- is there to protect set in case the first argument (or filename in this case) happens to start with a dash. See the description of the -- option in help set. I find the positional parameters a convenient way to handle a list of things. I could also have implemented this with an array: output=$( files=(*); IFS=,; echo "${files[*]}" )
This is great since it doesn't require executing any additional programs and it works with file names that contain spaces or even newlines.
@EhteshChoudhury As type set will tell you, set is a shell builtin. So, man set will not help, but help set will do. Answer: "-- Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters."
After a set -- *. Delaying expansion of * one level you may get the correct output without the need of a sub shell: IFS=',' eval echo '"$*"'. Of course that will change the positional parameters.
Aleksander Stelmaczonek

Adding on top of majkinetor's answer, here is the way of removing trailing delimiter(since I cannot just comment under his answer yet):

ls -1 | awk 'ORS=","' | head -c -1

Just remove as many trailing bytes as your delimiter counts for.

I like this approach because I can use multi character delimiters + other benefits of awk:

ls -1 | awk 'ORS=", "' | head -c -2


As Peter has noticed, negative byte count is not supported in native MacOS version of head. This however can be easily fixed.

First, install coreutils. "The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system."

brew install coreutils

Commands also provided by MacOS are installed with the prefix "g". For example gls.

Once you have done this you can use ghead which has negative byte count, or better, make alias:

alias head="ghead"

Note: negative byte counts are only supported on certain versions of head, so this won't work on e.g. macos.
Thanks, for pointing that out. I have added a workaround for MacOS.
Tulains Córdova

Don't reinvent the wheel.

ls -m

It does exactly that.

The OP wanted any delimiter so you would still need a tr to convert the commas. It also adds a space after the commas i.e. file1, file2, file3
so using ls -m and tr to remove the space after the comma you would do ls -m | tr -d ' '
that use of tr will delete spaces inside filenames. better to use sed 's/, /,/g

just bash

mystring=$(printf "%s|" *)
echo ${mystring%|}

Slightly more efficient would be to use "printf -v mystring "%s|" *" - that avoids a fork for the $()
But notably doesn't chomp the trailing |, @camh.
Well, just bash and gnu coreutils printf
@camh But printf -v will work only in bash, while the presented answer works on many shell types.
@Christopher Yes, that will remove the trailing |, provided that both lines are used: printf -v mystring "%s|" * ; echo ${mystring%|}.
Sidharth C. Nadhan

This command is for the PERL fans :

ls -1 | perl -l40pe0

Here 40 is the octal ascii code for space.

-p will process line by line and print

-l will take care of replacing the trailing \n with the ascii character we provide.

-e is to inform PERL we are doing command line execution.

0 means that there is actually no command to execute.

perl -e0 is same as perl -e ' '


To avoid potential newline confusion for tr we could add the -b flag to ls:

ls -1b | tr '\n' ';'


It looks like the answers already exist.

If you want a, b, c format, use ls -m ( Tulains Córdova’s answer)

Or if you want a b c format, use ls | xargs (simpified version of Chris J’s answer)

Or if you want any other delimiter like |, use ls | paste -sd'|' (application of Artem’s answer)


The sed way,

sed -e ':a; N; $!ba; s/\n/,/g'
  # :a         # label called 'a'
  # N          # append next line into Pattern Space (see info sed)
  # $!ba       # if it's the last line ($) do not (!) jump to (b) label :a (a) - break loop
  # s/\n/,/g   # any substitution you want


This is linear in complexity, substituting only once after all lines are appended into sed's Pattern Space.

@AnandRajaseka's answer, and some other similar answers, such as here, are O(n²), because sed has to do substitute every time a new line is appended into the Pattern Space.

To compare,

seq 1 100000 | sed ':a; N; $!ba; s/\n/,/g' | head -c 80
  # linear, in less than 0.1s
seq 1 100000 | sed ':a; /$/N; s/\n/,/; ta' | head -c 80
  # quadratic, hung

Bernhard Barker
sed -e :a -e '/$/N; s/\n/\\n/; ta' [filename]


-e - denotes a command to be executed
:a - is a label
/$/N - defines the scope of the match for the current and the (N)ext line
s/\n/\\n/; - replaces all EOL with \n
ta; - goto label a if the match is successful

Taken from my blog.

Chris J

If you version of xargs supports the -d flag then this should work

ls  | xargs -d, -L 1 echo

-d is the delimiter flag

If you do not have -d, then you can try the following

ls | xargs -I {} echo {}, | xargs echo

The first xargs allows you to specify your delimiter which is a comma in this example.

-d specifies the input delimiter with GNU xargs, so will not work. The second example exhibits the same issue as other solutions here of a stray delimiter at the end.

You can use:

ls -1 | perl -pe 's/\n$/some_delimiter/'

This does not exclude the trailing delimiter.

ls produces one column output when connected to a pipe, so the -1 is redundant.

Here's another perl answer using the builtin join function which doesn't leave a trailing delimiter:

ls | perl -F'\n' -0777 -anE 'say join ",", @F'

The obscure -0777 makes perl read all the input before running the program.

sed alternative that doesn't leave a trailing delimiter

ls | sed '$!s/$/,/' | tr -d '\n'


ls has the option -m to delimit the output with ", " a comma and a space.

ls -m | tr -d ' ' | tr ',' ';'

piping this result to tr to remove either the space or the comma will allow you to pipe the result again to tr to replace the delimiter.

in my example i replace the delimiter , with the delimiter ;

replace ; with whatever one character delimiter you prefer since tr only accounts for the first character in the strings you pass in as arguments.


You can use chomp to merge multiple line in single line:

perl -e 'while (<>) { if (/\$/ ) { chomp; } print ;}' bad0 >test

put line break condition in if statement.It can be special character or any delimiter.


If Python3 is your cup of tea, you can do this (but please explain why you would?):

ls -1 | python -c "import sys; print(','.join("

I don't know why the OP wants to do it, but I know why I need to do it: in order to copy all the filenames separated by a space to use them as parameters for rubocop, eslint, stylelint, haml-lint, etc.
Joel Franco Guzmán

Python answer above is interesting, but the own language can even make the output nice:

ls -1 | python -c "import sys; print("

Celogeek San

Quick Perl version with trailing slash handling:

ls -1 | perl -E 'say join ", ", map {chomp; $_} <>'

To explain:

perl -E: execute Perl with features supports (say, ...)

say: print with a carrier return

join ", ", ARRAY_HERE: join an array with ", "

map {chomp; $_} ROWS: remove from each line the carrier return and return the result

<>: stdin, each line is a ROW, coupling with a map it will create an array of each ROW