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Convert a string to an enum in C#

What's the best way to convert a string to an enumeration value in C#?

I have an HTML select tag containing the values of an enumeration. When the page is posted, I want to pick up the value (which will be in the form of a string) and convert it to the corresponding enumeration value.

In an ideal world, I could do something like this:

StatusEnum MyStatus = StatusEnum.Parse("Active");

but that isn't a valid code.

Try this: Enum.TryParse("Active", out StatusEnum yourStatus);


In .NET Core and .NET Framework ≥4.0 there is a generic parse method:

Enum.TryParse("Active", out StatusEnum myStatus);

This also includes C#7's new inline out variables, so this does the try-parse, conversion to the explicit enum type and initialises+populates the myStatus variable.

If you have access to C#7 and the latest .NET this is the best way.

Original Answer

In .NET it's rather ugly (until 4 or above):

StatusEnum MyStatus = (StatusEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof(StatusEnum), "Active", true);

I tend to simplify this with:

public static T ParseEnum<T>(string value)
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);

Then I can do:

StatusEnum MyStatus = EnumUtil.ParseEnum<StatusEnum>("Active");

One option suggested in the comments is to add an extension, which is simple enough:

public static T ToEnum<T>(this string value)
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);

StatusEnum MyStatus = "Active".ToEnum<StatusEnum>();

Finally, you may want to have a default enum to use if the string cannot be parsed:

public static T ToEnum<T>(this string value, T defaultValue) 
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
        return defaultValue;

    T result;
    return Enum.TryParse<T>(value, true, out result) ? result : defaultValue;

Which makes this the call:

StatusEnum MyStatus = "Active".ToEnum(StatusEnum.None);

However, I would be careful adding an extension method like this to string as (without namespace control) it will appear on all instances of string whether they hold an enum or not (so 1234.ToString().ToEnum(StatusEnum.None) would be valid but nonsensical) . It's often be best to avoid cluttering Microsoft's core classes with extra methods that only apply in very specific contexts unless your entire development team has a very good understanding of what those extensions do.

If performace is important (which always is) chk answer given by Mckenzieg1 below :…
@avinashr is right about @McKenzieG1's answer, but it isn't ALWAYS important. For instance it would be a pointless micro optimisation to worry about enum parsing if you were making a DB call for each parse.
@H.M. I don't think an extension is appropriate here - it's a bit of a special case and an extension would apply to every string. If you really wanted to do it though it would be a trivial change.
How about Enum.TryParse?
very nice. you need a where T : struct in your last example.
Erwin Mayer

Use Enum.TryParse<T>(String, T) (≥ .NET 4.0):

StatusEnum myStatus;
Enum.TryParse("Active", out myStatus);

It can be simplified even further with C# 7.0's parameter type inlining:

Enum.TryParse("Active", out StatusEnum myStatus);

Add the middle boolean parameter for case-sensitivity and this is the safest and most elegant solution by far.
Come on, how many of you implemented that selected answer from 2008 to only scroll down and find this is the better (modern) answer.
I don't get it. Parse throws explanatory exceptions for what went wrong with the conversion (value was null, empty or no corresponding enum constant), which is way better than TryParse's boolean return value (which suppresses the concrete error)
Enum.TryParse<T>(String, T) is flawed when parsing integer strings. For example, this code will successfully parse a nonsensical string as a nonsensical enum: var result = Enum.TryParse<System.DayOfWeek>("55", out var parsedEnum);
@MassDotNet In that case add: && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(System.DayOfWeek), parsedEnum) to ensure that the parsed Enum actually exists.

Note that the performance of Enum.Parse() is awful, because it is implemented via reflection. (The same is true of Enum.ToString, which goes the other way.)

If you need to convert strings to Enums in performance-sensitive code, your best bet is to create a Dictionary<String,YourEnum> at startup and use that to do your conversions.

I've measured 3ms to convert a string to an Enum on the first run, on a desktop computer. (Just to illustrate the level of awfullness).
Wow 3ms is orders of magnitude of terrible
can you add a code sample around this, so we get an idea on how to replace and use
If your app is used by 1 million people => it adds up to 50 hours of human life you are consuming :) On a single page-use. :P
While 3ms first-run is definitely awful, would the second run be any better? If it's 3ms everytime then we'd avoid it like plague
Peter Mortensen

You're looking for Enum.Parse.

SomeEnum enum = (SomeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(SomeEnum), "EnumValue");

Peter Mortensen

You can use extension methods now:

public static T ToEnum<T>(this string value, bool ignoreCase = true)
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof (T), value, ignoreCase);

And you can call them by the below code (here, FilterType is an enum type):

FilterType filterType = type.ToEnum<FilterType>();

I have updated this to take the value as object and cast it to string inside this method. This way I can take an int value .ToEnum instead of strings only.
@SollyM I'd say that's a horrible idea cause then this extension method will apply to all object types. Two extension methods, one for string and one for int, would be cleaner and much safer in my opinion.
@Svish, that's true. The only reason I did this is because our code is used internally only and I wanted to avoid writing 2 extensions. And since the only time we convert to Enum is with string or int, I didn't see it being a problem otherwise.
@SollyM Internal or not, I'm still the one maintaining and using my code :P I would be annoyed if I got up a ToEnum in every intellisense menu, and like you say, since the only time you convert to an enum is from string or int, you can be pretty sure you'll only need those two methods. And two methods aren't that much more than one, especially when they are this small and of the utility type :P


enum Example
    One = 1,
    Two = 2,
    Three = 3

Enum.(Try)Parse() accepts multiple, comma-separated arguments, and combines them with binary 'or' |. You cannot disable this and in my opinion you almost never want it.

var x = Enum.Parse("One,Two"); // x is now Three

Even if Three was not defined, x would still get int value 3. That's even worse: Enum.Parse() can give you a value that is not even defined for the enum!

I would not want to experience the consequences of users, willingly or unwillingly, triggering this behavior.

Additionally, as mentioned by others, performance is less than ideal for large enums, namely linear in the number of possible values.

I suggest the following:

    public static bool TryParse<T>(string value, out T result)
        where T : struct
        var cacheKey = "Enum_" + typeof(T).FullName;

        // [Use MemoryCache to retrieve or create&store a dictionary for this enum, permanently or temporarily.
        // [Implementation off-topic.]
        var enumDictionary = CacheHelper.GetCacheItem(cacheKey, CreateEnumDictionary<T>, EnumCacheExpiration);

        return enumDictionary.TryGetValue(value.Trim(), out result);

    private static Dictionary<string, T> CreateEnumDictionary<T>()
        return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T))
            .ToDictionary(value => value.ToString(), value => value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

In fact this is very useful to know that Enum.(Try)Parse accepts multiple, comma-separated arguments, and combines them with binary 'or'. Means you can set up your enum values as powers of 2 and you have a very easy way to parse multiple boolean flags, eg. "UseSSL,NoRetries,Sync". In fact that's probably what it was designed for.
@pcdev Not sure if you are aware, but this feature is to help support the (Flags attribute for enums](…).
This one should have been the accepted answer. Major pitfall.
object Enum.Parse(System.Type enumType, string value, bool ignoreCase);

So if you had an enum named mood it would look like this:

   enum Mood

   // ...
   Mood m = (Mood) Enum.Parse(typeof(Mood), "Happy", true);
   Console.WriteLine("My mood is: {0}", m.ToString());

Peter Mortensen

Enum.Parse is your friend:

StatusEnum MyStatus = (StatusEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(StatusEnum), "Active");


You can extend the accepted answer with a default value to avoid exceptions:

public static T ParseEnum<T>(string value, T defaultValue) where T : struct
        T enumValue;
        if (!Enum.TryParse(value, true, out enumValue))
            return defaultValue;
        return enumValue;
    catch (Exception)
        return defaultValue;

Then you call it like:

StatusEnum MyStatus = EnumUtil.ParseEnum("Active", StatusEnum.None);

If the default value is not an enum the Enum.TryParse would fail and throw an exception which is catched.

After years of using this function in our code on many places maybe it's good to add the information that this operation costs performance!

I don't like default values. It can lead to unpredictable results.
when will this ever throw an exception?
@andleer if the enum value does not fit to the same enum type as the default value
@Nelly Old code here but the defaultValue and the method return type are both of type T. If the types are different, you will receive a compile time error: "cannot convert from 'ConsoleApp1.Size' to 'ConsoleApp1.Color'" or whatever your types are.
@andleer, I'm sorry my last answer to you was not correct. It is possible that this method throws an Syste.ArgumentException in the case that someone calls this function with a default value that is not of type enum. With c# 7.0 I could not make a where clause of T : Enum. Thats why I catched this possibilty with a try catch.
Jordan Ryder

At some point a generic version of Parse was added. For me this was preferable because I didn't need to "try" to parse and I also want the result inline without generating an output variable.

ColorEnum color = Enum.Parse<ColorEnum>("blue");

MS Documentation: Parse

Note: the generics version doesn't exist as part of .NET Framework. The equivalent syntax is ColorEnum color = (ColorEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(ColorEnum), "blue");.

We couldn't assume perfectly valid input, and went with this variation of @Keith's answer:

public static TEnum ParseEnum<TEnum>(string value) where TEnum : struct
    TEnum tmp; 
    if (!Enum.TryParse<TEnum>(value, true, out tmp))
        tmp = new TEnum();
    return tmp;

Mark Cidade
// str.ToEnum<EnumType>()
T static ToEnum<T>(this string str) 
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof(T), str);


Not sure when this was added but on the Enum class there is now a


Used like so with example in question:

var MyStatus = Enum.Parse<StatusEnum >("Active")

or ignoring casing by:

var MyStatus = Enum.Parse<StatusEnum >("active", true)

Here is the decompiled methods this uses:

    public static TEnum Parse<TEnum>([Nullable(1)] string value) where TEnum : struct
      return Enum.Parse<TEnum>(value, false);

    public static TEnum Parse<TEnum>([Nullable(1)] string value, bool ignoreCase) where TEnum : struct
      TEnum result;
      Enum.TryParse<TEnum>(value, ignoreCase, true, out result);
      return result;

This was added in .NET Core 2.0 (I wrote a bit about it in other answer)

Parses string to TEnum without try/catch and without TryParse() method from .NET 4.5

/// <summary>
/// Parses string to TEnum without try/catch and .NET 4.5 TryParse()
/// </summary>
public static bool TryParseToEnum<TEnum>(string probablyEnumAsString_, out TEnum enumValue_) where TEnum : struct
    enumValue_ = (TEnum)Enum.GetValues(typeof(TEnum)).GetValue(0);
    if(!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TEnum), probablyEnumAsString_))
        return false;

    enumValue_ = (TEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), probablyEnumAsString_);
    return true;

Whether it is necessary to make a description if the code already contains a description? Ok, I did this :)

Most of the answers here require you to always pass in the default value of the enum each time you call on the extension method. If you don't want to go by that approach, you can implement it like below:

 public static TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this string value) where TEnum : struct
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
          return default(TEnum);

     return Enum.TryParse(value, true, out TEnum result) ? result : default(TEnum);


Using default literal (available from C# 7.1)

 public static TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this string value, TEnum defaultValue = default) where TEnum : struct
       if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
            return default;

       return Enum.TryParse(value, true, out TEnum result) ? result : default;


Better still:

public static TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this string value) where TEnum : struct
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
           return default;

      return Enum.TryParse(value, true, out TEnum result) ? result : default;



I like the extension method solution..

namespace System
    public static class StringExtensions

        public static bool TryParseAsEnum<T>(this string value, out T output) where T : struct
            T result;

            var isEnum = Enum.TryParse(value, out result);

            output = isEnum ? result : default(T);

            return isEnum;

Here below my implementation with tests.

using static Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert;
using static System.Console;

private enum Countries

        public void StringExtensions_On_TryParseAsEnum()
            var countryName = "Rusia";

            Countries country;
            var isCountry = countryName.TryParseAsEnum(out country);


            AreEqual(Countries.Rusia, country);

            countryName = "Don't exist";

            isCountry = countryName.TryParseAsEnum(out country);


            AreEqual(Countries.NorthAmerica, country); // the 1rst one in the enumeration

Brian Rice

Super simple code using TryParse:

var value = "Active";

StatusEnum status;
if (!Enum.TryParse<StatusEnum>(value, out status))
    status = StatusEnum.Unknown;


For performance this might help:

    private static Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, object>> dicEnum = new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, object>>();
    public static T ToEnum<T>(this string value, T defaultValue)
        var t = typeof(T);
        Dictionary<string, object> dic;
        if (!dicEnum.ContainsKey(t))
            dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            dicEnum.Add(t, dic);
            foreach (var en in Enum.GetValues(t))
                dic.Add(en.ToString(), en);
            dic = dicEnum[t];
        if (!dic.ContainsKey(value))
            return defaultValue;
            return (T)dic[value];

You should have provided performance testing output also, like time taken to run above code when converting string to enum using your method and using regular Enum.Parse if anyone want to check about string to enum or enum to string in C#, check…
Joel Wiklund

If the property name is different from what you want to call it (i.e. language differences) you can do like this:


using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;

public enum MyType
    [EnumMember(Value = "person")]
    [EnumMember(Value = "annan_deltagare")]
    [EnumMember(Value = "regel")]


using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;

public static class EnumExtensions
    public static TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this string value) where TEnum : Enum
        var jsonString = $"'{value.ToLower()}'";
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TEnum>(jsonString, new StringEnumConverter());

    public static bool EqualsTo<TEnum>(this string strA, TEnum enumB) where TEnum : Enum
        TEnum enumA;
            enumA = strA.ToEnum<TEnum>();
            return false;
        return enumA.Equals(enumB);


public class Program
    static public void Main(String[] args) 
        var myString = "annan_deltagare";
        var myType = myString.ToEnum<MyType>();
        var isEqual = myString.EqualsTo(MyType.OtherPerson);
        //Output: true

Rae Lee
public static T ParseEnum<T>(string value)            //function declaration  
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value);

Importance imp = EnumUtil.ParseEnum<Importance>("Active");   //function call

====================A Complete Program====================

using System;

class Program
    enum PetType
    Cat = 1,
    Dog = 2

    static void Main()

    // Possible user input:
    string value = "Dog";

    // Try to convert the string to an enum:
    PetType pet = (PetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PetType), value);

    // See if the conversion succeeded:
    if (pet == PetType.Dog)
        Console.WriteLine("Equals dog.");

Equals dog.

Peter Mortensen

I used class (strongly-typed version of Enum with parsing and performance improvements). I found it on GitHub, and it should work for .NET 3.5 too. It has some memory overhead since it buffers a dictionary.

StatusEnum MyStatus = Enum<StatusEnum>.Parse("Active");

The blogpost is Enums – Better syntax, improved performance and TryParse in NET 3.5.

And code:


I found that here the case with enum values that have EnumMember value was not considered. So here we go:

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

public static TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this string value, TEnum defaultValue) where TEnum : struct
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
        return defaultValue;

    TEnum result;
    var enumType = typeof(TEnum);
    foreach (var enumName in Enum.GetNames(enumType))
        var fieldInfo = enumType.GetField(enumName);
        var enumMemberAttribute = ((EnumMemberAttribute[]) fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnumMemberAttribute), true)).FirstOrDefault();
        if (enumMemberAttribute?.Value == value)
            return Enum.TryParse(enumName, true, out result) ? result : defaultValue;

    return Enum.TryParse(value, true, out result) ? result : defaultValue;

And example of that enum:

public enum OracleInstanceStatus
    Unknown = -1,
    Started = 1,
    Mounted = 2,
    Open = 3,
    [EnumMember(Value = "OPEN MIGRATE")]
    OpenMigrate = 4

Bartosz Gawron

You have to use Enum.Parse to get the object value from Enum, after that you have to change the object value to specific enum value. Casting to enum value can be do by using Convert.ChangeType. Please have a look on following code snippet

public T ConvertStringValueToEnum<T>(string valueToParse){
    return Convert.ChangeType(Enum.Parse(typeof(T), valueToParse, true), typeof(T));


Try this sample:

 public static T GetEnum<T>(string model)
        var newModel = GetStringForEnum(model);

        if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(T), newModel))
            return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), "None", true);

        return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), newModel.Result, true);

    private static Task<string> GetStringForEnum(string model)
        return Task.Run(() =>
            Regex rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]");
            var nonAlphanumericData = rgx.Matches(model);
            if (nonAlphanumericData.Count < 1)
                return model;
            foreach (var item in nonAlphanumericData)
                model = model.Replace((string)item, "");
            return model;

In this sample you can send every string, and set your Enum. If your Enum had data that you wanted, return that as your Enum type.

You are overwriting newModel on each line, so if it contains dashes, it will not be replaced. Also, you don't have to check if the string contains anything, you can just call Replace anyway: var newModel = model.Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", "");
@LarsKristensen Yeah we can create an method that remove nonalphanumeric character.
public TEnum ToEnum<TEnum>(this string value, TEnum defaultValue){
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
    return defaultValue;

return Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), value, true);}

    Public Function ToEnum(Of TEnum)(ByVal value As String, ByVal defaultValue As TEnum) As TEnum
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) Then
            Return defaultValue
        End If

        Return [Enum].Parse(GetType(TEnum), value, True)
    End Function


If you want to use a default value when null or empty (e.g. when retrieving from config file and the value does not exist) and throw an exception when the string or number does not match any of the enum values. Beware of caveat in Timo's answer though (

    public static T ParseEnum<T>(this string s, T defaultValue, bool ignoreCase = false) 
        where T : struct, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable//If C# >=7.3: struct, System.Enum 
        if ((s?.Length ?? 0) == 0)
            return defaultValue;

        var valid = Enum.TryParse<T>(s, ignoreCase, out T res);

        if (!valid || !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(T), res))
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                $"'{s}' is not a valid value of enum '{typeof(T).FullName}'!");
        return res;


I started to use this approach. Performance seems to be ok however it requires a bit of boilerplate code setup.

public enum StatusType {

static class StatusTypeMethods {

    public static StatusType GetEnum(string type) {
        switch (type) {
            case nameof(StatusType.Success): return StatusType.Success;
            case nameof(StatusType.Pending): return StatusType.Pending;
            case nameof(StatusType.Rejected): return StatusType.Rejected;
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);

And later on, you can use it like this:

StatusType = StatusType.GetEnum("Success");

Felipe Augusto

First of all, you need to decorate your enum, like this:

    public enum Store : short
    [Description("Rio Big Store")]
    Rio = 1

in .net 5, i create this extension method:

//The class also needs to be static, ok?
public static string GetDescription(this System.Enum enumValue)
        FieldInfo fi = enumValue.GetType().GetField(enumValue.ToString());

        DescriptionAttribute[] attributes = (DescriptionAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(
            typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);

        if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) return attributes[0].Description;
        else return enumValue.ToString();

now you have an extension methods to use in any Enums

Like this:

var Desc = Store.Rio.GetDescription(); //Store is your Enum

The question asks how to parse a string into an enum, not how to format an enum into a string
This completely misses the point I'm afraid.