Wordpress job: Copy a website - 4 pages

175.0 GBP

175.0 GBP peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
13 hour ago


I am looking for a Wordpress developer to do a direct structural replication of one page from www.studioashby.com/about with a few adaptations. Should take 4-5 hours as very tight brief and it's a copy.
Project Scope
Homepage: A mix of elements from Studio Ashby’s Projects landing page and their About page. The landing page will feature three images (instead of six), with a colour border hover effect. Please see the attached design mockup. Note that the landing page will feature only three images—the additional images are simply to demonstrate the hover colour border effect.The images and copy will be placeholders for now, but the structure and design should be set up.Other Pages: The About, Services, and Contact pages will mirror the Studio Ashby About page structure, using Fox & Kingsley’s branding colours.
Navigation & Hover Effects: When hovering over menu titles, they should change colour, and when on a page, that page’s title in the menu should be underlined and remain in its assigned colour.Contact Page: Simple layout with phone number and email only, just like Natasha Bateman’s website.
Brand Colour Palette (HEX Codes)Please integrate the four brand colours as seen in the design mockup:
Dark Blue: #060649Brick Red: #701914Muted Gold: #B3A24CDeep Blue: #414996
Additional Notes:I will handle all image selection and copywriting, so placeholders can be used for now.I will provide all logos and branding assets. The font is the same as Natasha Bateman site.I have set up hosting via Hostinger, purchased Elementor Pro, and secured the domainPlease ensure clean, minimal code and smooth UX to maintain the luxury aesthetic for desktop and mobile.

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