Campside Social — The First Social Network For Campers & Travelers

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
957 days ago


“ Hello, my name is Nick Sarro and I'm the creator of Campside Social. In November of 2021, I decided to move into a camper full-time and travel the USA. Every time we'd check into a campground we noticed a huge disconnect between everyone all of the campers. One day, for example, we saw an older man playing the saxophone at his campsite and as we walked to the far end of the campground we saw another man playing the trumpet and I thought... What if there was a platform that would help these two connect, play together, and create a new friendship. Campside is a great way for New Campers to ask questions to campers that are already at the campground! Campside is a great way to share your local adventures/recommendations to other campers. Campside is a great way to find new campgrounds! Campside is a great way for Campers to sell their handmade goods or used camp accessories to other campers at their campground. Campside is a great way for Campground Staff to send a notice to all campers (For Example A Bear Spotting, Scheduled Maintenance, Events & More! ” – Nick Sarro Discussion | Link

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