Statusflow — Collaborative project status reporting

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
979 days ago


“ Hey Prod Hunters! 🙌 If you manage a team or project, you'll know that status reporting can be a bit soul destroying. As a founder I remember staying up until stupid-o'clock to finish the monthly board deck - and my co-founders Tim and Joel spent 15 years suffering through reporting as management consultants. 🌧 Chasing collaborators, 💔 creating multiple versions, 😭 copy and paste from email, chat… and "where was Bob's comment again?" 🤯 So you end up working late to pull it all together. What would a better way look like? We pictured a mashup of Powerpoint (attractive A4 reporting) + Excel (easy to use grid layouts) + mobile-ready collaboration workflows that Excel and Powerpoint lacked. And thus, Statusflow was born! ✅ A simple, single purpose tool ✅ A great set of proven, PPT-like templates to start from (edit, or add your own) - with your branding automatically added. ✅ Easy to input on mobile. ✅ A clear, guided workflow for collaborators on what needs input, and when, and in-app chat when a bit of clarification is needed. ✅ Transparent and collaborative ✅ A single place to collect updates and craft the report The ultimate benefit is: you use less time, and what you use is used wisely. We hope you love using this, and welcome any feedback! ” – Will Taylor Discussion | Link

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招聘岗位:程序开发与设计专才(需具备 ArcGIS REST API 概念) 我们正在寻找 3-5名 多技能的程序开发人员,参与一个具备地理信息系统(GIS)功能的外包项目。此岗位适合拥有丰富经验且高效开发能力的技术人才。 注意:若无 ArcGIS REST API 概念,请勿投递简历。 岗位要求及技能: 1. 程序开发与设计: Python开发: 精通 Python 语言,能够编写清晰且可维护的代码。 任务调度框架: 熟悉 APScheduler 或 Airflow,能够设计、开发和管理自动化任务。 HTTP请求: 熟练使用 Python 的 requests 库,能够高效发送 HTTP 请求至 ArcGIS REST Services。 网页自动化: 熟悉 Selenium,用于网页自动化和网页截图操作。 地理几何处理: 熟练使用 Shapely 处理地理几何数据。 地理空间数据: 熟悉 GeoPandas 进行地理空间数据处理。 2. 地理信息系统(GIS): ArcGIS REST API: 必须具备 ArcGIS 概念,熟悉 ArcGIS REST API 规范及其使用方法,能够按需进行地理数据查询和处理。 坐标系转换: 熟悉 pyproj,能够处理 GIS 应用中的坐标系转换问题。 3. 数据库管理: MySQL: 熟悉关系型数据库操作,能够高效完成数据访问与查询。 SQLAlchemy: 熟练使用 Python ORM 框架,有优化数据库操作的经验。 4. 监控相关(加分项): Grafana: 熟悉监控可视化平台,能够实现系统运行状态的可视化展示。 Prometheus: 熟悉监控指标收集系统,能够配置和维护监控环境。 5. 其他辅助技能(加分项): 单元测试: 熟悉 pytest,能够保障代码质量。 容器化部署: 熟悉 Docker,能够设计和优化容器化环境。 岗位优势: 我们希望找到具备上述技能的工程师,能够独立开发并与团队协作。如果您满足以上 1-5项 中任一技能要求,并拥有相关经验,欢迎加入我们,共同开发高质量的地理信息系统应用。
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