Year Progress Widget — The whole year on your phone home screen

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
982 days ago


“ Hello fellow hunters! I'm Android Developer from Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦 who loves to build stuff. And I want to present to you my small widget application for Android. Have you noticed how fast time goes? It's already half a year from your last vacation? You haven't walked in a summer park yet and it's already snowing? In the rush of the modern world, it's easy to lose the track of time. Days become weeks and weeks become months but you only see how fast time flies and how little you've done. And on New Year's eve, you are sad because you forgot about your year goals and haven’t made any progress to achieving them. Year Progress - is a little helper for you. It will give you an understanding of how many days have gone and how many are left. It will show you that a year is not as big as you thought and you should act right here and right now. ” – Olexii Muraviov Discussion | Link

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