Craftverse — Community platform for Cosplayers

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
978 days ago


“ Hi Product Hunt! I’m Eva Maganja, CEO, and Co-Founder of @Craftverse. We are pleased to announce the launch of Craftverse here on Product Hunt! I am an active cosplayer, and I have noticed that our community is growing bigger and faster each year. Currently, an average cosplayer (like myself) has 5 different social media profiles and has to spend a few hours per day maintaining them, and we want to narrow that down to one single platform for our community. How do I know that? Because I am a cosplayer and I am solving this problem for myself and the community. It's a niche fandom community that hasn't properly found its place online yet. We basically want to create an online convention that never ends. Things are very messy online, not just for the cosplayers but for other communities as well. And we want to create a focused platform where people post the right things in the right place. And where information and knowledge don't get lost. With Craftverse users, can showcase their work, connect with new people in the community and be seen. We would be happy if you can test our platform. We look forward to hearing your feedback! Cheers, Craftverse Team ” – Eva Maganja Discussion | Link

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