I need someone to respond to the following post: I dont know how its done.
Hello, the confusion that occurs in diabetes is caused by several aspects, mainly associated with a person’s health and the complexity of the illness. Firstly, there is the issue of blood pressure fluctuations stemming from physical activity, stress, food intake, and medications. The fluctuations can cause confusion as people struggle to comprehend how the factors work together. For example, low blood sugar and high blood sugar can cause symptoms to overlap, such as fatigue and dizziness, making it difficult for people to differentiate between the two symptoms and respond appropriately. Confusion may also arise from the different diabetes management requirements that are difficult to balance, especially for individuals who have just discovered they have a chronic disease. The difficulty in managing disease symptoms and possible treatment delays can cause stress, dehydration, and infections, triggering fatigue, blurred vision, excessive thirst, and frequent urination. Complications within the renal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems can also cause confusion due to poor blood circulation (Nakhleh & Shehadeh, 2021).