My Cash Flow Plan — Prepare for life events with confidence and cash you need

Product Hunt 技术与编程 中国大陆


“ Hey PH Community! Happy to include My Cash Flow Plan in the hunt. I built this product to help my oldest son after he graduated from Clemson University and didn't have a clue how to manage his own finances (amazing what the -don't- teach in school). The concept is based on a system I've used for over 20 years in a complicated spreadsheet. Moving it to a database/app greatly simplifies the process and managing data from year to year. It consists of a basic checkbook-like register that carries out future transactions of income and expenses. An unlimited future cash flow is created with just a few recurring income and expense entries. Edited and deleted transactions are saved to let you revert to the original state, making it easy to recover from mistakes. This feature also lets you quickly create scenarios, like buying a new car or home, to see how you can or can't afford it or to postpone the expense until you have enough cash. Another feature is grouping expenses as an averaged sum monthly budget. Hovering over the group quickly shows what the budget includes. Groups help limit cash flow transactions for a quick view of your flow. I'm look forward to building new features and expanding the concept into a full wealth management tool. I welcome your feedback and support! ” – Mitch Provost Discussion | Link






