Polar coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates

500.0 GBP

500.0 GBP peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
1 days ago


I need an experienced C# programmer who has a detailed knowledge of Unity and websites.I need a plugin adding to my software that translates polar coordinates (radius and angle) into cartesian coordinates in unity using lookup tables for speed, effiency and durability.
This is an urgent project and requires someone with the experience and knowledge to complete.Please dont apply if you havent done this work or something very similar previously.
We wont respond to applicants that do abit of code on the side!

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The aim of the project is just for you to demonstrate with one click button using angular version 19.0.1 and the below Bluetooth plug for native using capacitor. Just need the button to scan and show a list of devices (on the screen). I’m not sure how to use the plugin, that’s number one; secondly, then how and what gets listed regarding the devices; ideally a primary unique UUID or the devices Mac. In short, a button to start scanning, and just to show a list on the screen. https://github.com/capacitor-community/bluetooth-le?tab=readme-ov-file Once you have created a little angular project with a button. These are some of the steps to add native compatibles seamlessly, a bit like Cordova in the good-old-days, however using Capacitor (adds native for iOS/android to normal angular project), and apart from your IDE, you will need android studio. Not interested in IOS, just android/APK file. https://capacitorjs.com/solution/angular Using Capacitor with Angular Build iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with Angular capacitorjs.com  (it might work in a slightly different order) 1. npm install @capacitor/core 2. npm install -g @ionic/cli 3. npx cap init 4. update capacitor.config.ts (webDir: 'dist/client/browser') or as per your project. 5. npm install @capacitor/android 6. npm install @capacitor/ios (if needed) 7. npx cap add android 8. npx cap open android (Use android SDK on prompt) npx cap open ios (if needed) 9. Also start AGP upgrade assistant - capacitor.config.ts (should look ike this) const config: CapacitorConfig = { appId: 'uk.sparsh.app', appName: 'Sparsh', webDir: 'dist/client/browser' (your project distcould be different) };
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