Node.js Work 1. Create a sign-up form for the ”Login” page of the website that consists of the following fields for registrants: a. Email; b. First name; c. Last name; d. State or province or territory or country of residence; 2. Create an un-published, password-protected “Registrant” spreadsheet page of the website that stores the following data in separate cells: a. Registrant’s email; b. Registrant’s first name; c. Registrant’s last name; d. Registrant’s state or province or territory or country of residence; e. For each registrant, assign an 8-digit sequential ID number. 3. Create an unpublished password-protected “History” spreadsheet page of the website that contains 5,760 rows. If the spreadsheet accommodates 20 Registrants, it will consist of a total of 25 columns such as the following: a. Current date GMT b. Game number 1-2,880 GMT for each date c. Total Ad Clicks d. Winning number e. Total hits f. ID number of first Registrant g. First name of first Registrant h. State of first Registrant i. Email of first Registrant j. Submitted number of first Registrant k. Formula to determine if a submitted number gets matched by winning number l. Ad click of first Registrant (y/n) m. ID number of second Registrant n. First name of second Registrant o. State of second Registrant p. Email of second Registrant q. Submitted No. of second Registrant r. A formula to determine if a submitted number gets matched by winning number s. Ad click of second Registrant (y/n) t. … 4. For every game, populate the History page with registrant’s ID number when he/she signs in. 5. If and when the registrant transfers to the “new_demo” page, display her/his first name and quantity of “EXTRA PLAYS” in the appropriate spaces of the left text box. 6. If he/she selects a number and clicks the blue “Submit” button of the “new_demo” page, enter the submitted number in the appropriate cell of the History page and decrement the “EXTRA PLAY” field of the “new_demo” page. 7. If he/she clicks on the “EXTRA PLAY” button of an ad, enter the word “hit” in the appropriate cell of the History page and increment the “EXTRA PLAY” field of the “new_demo” page. 8. If a Submitted number of any player becomes matched by the winning number of the same game, enter an “x” in the cell with the formula and send an email to the player with the following message: a. “Congratulations. You hit the Colorball number. You won $250.00. Please visit PayPal to collect.”