transfer website to wordpress

Guru Design Overseas
4 days ago


I have an 9 page very simple website that want transfered to a wordpress site. No change of content Just transferred to wordpresss. I then want two hours of basic tuition to learn how to edit info and add blogs.

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Introduction: We are seeking a highly experienced UK-based designer to create a high-resolution, visually engaging map that illustrates how Preston Waldon supports clients in the UK agriculture sector. The designer must have a proven track record in visual storytelling and be familiar with similar design styles as exemplified by ImageThink, Tak-Tik, and DrawingChange. Project Overview: Design a graphic that serves as both a reference guide and marketing asset, reflecting Preston Waldon’s impact and expertise in the UK agriculture sector through navigation, influence, and protection. Objectives: Visual Storytelling: Depict Preston Waldon’s role in guiding clients through complex regulations, influencing policy, and protecting their interests. Reference Guide: Provide insights into relevant legislation, industry dynamics, and Preston Waldon’s strategic contributions. Brand Representation: Integrate the Preston Waldon logo and ensure the design aligns with the company’s identity and mission. Key Messages: Navigate: Show how Preston Waldon helps clients understand and comply with complex legislation. Influence: Highlight the company’s role in building relationships with policymakers and shaping agricultural policies. Protect: Illustrate efforts in managing client reputations and securing their interests. Design Requirements: Style: Follow the storytelling style of the provided references. Format: High resolution, suitable for both print and digital use. Elements to Include: Preston Waldon Logo: Integrated in a storytelling manner. Legislation & Sectors: Visual representation of key legislation and sectors (e.g., Planning Act, Agriculture Act, Environment Act). Client Impact: How Preston Waldon supports developers, farmers, food producers, and estate managers. Influence Map: Depiction of influential connections and policy impacts. Protection Strategies: Illustration of reputation management and strategic support. Target Audience: Government and industry leaders Agricultural enterprises Clients and potential clients within the agriculture sector Stakeholders involved in policy and regulatory compliance Deliverables: Visual Storytelling Map: High-resolution graphic illustrating Preston Waldon’s role. Digital and Print Versions: Ensure adaptability for both digital use and high-quality printing. Final Delivery: By the end of October 2024 Additional Notes: Branding to be supplied.
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