Planndu — Planndu is a simple task manager app for individuals

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
1041 days ago


“ Hello Product Hunt! I have worked as a Software engineer for the past seven years. While working on multiple projects, I had the chance to use a variety of Kanban tools on a Desktop that I found very useful and helpful. That feeling of dragging your tasks from one group to another has some satisfaction in it, and you could see the new priorities right away. When looking for something similar on the mobile, I couldn't find anything. So, four months ago, I teamed up with a designer, we left our 9/5 jobs, we worked days and nights to make it work, and now we are ready to present you with the first version! Here’s a highlight of some of the other features: - Reminders / Location reminders - Document scanner for text extraction - Adding collaborators - Sync with Google Calendar - Pomodoro focus timer - To-do templates - Speech to text We are looking for early adopters and feedback for our Android App, Thank you for the opportuinty, Yarik. ” – Yarik Skov Discussion | Link

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