the information you need to choose what to watch next at a glance 🎬 Movies database 📺 Tv Shows database 📃 Genres database -> 17 different genres with a unique cover for each 📃 Platforms database -> 9 different streaming services with a unique cover for each 🌟 Actors database (standard version only) 🌟 Directors database (standard version only) 📊 Statistics database -> your personal numbers and time 💡 Bonus List page (find it 😉) 📽️ 3 tutorial videos + 2 video examples to show how to add properly any items in your database with the free browser extension Save to Notion (present in both versions) 📽️ Guide on how to use the Automatic Version ➡️ On Gumroad you can find the full description of the template. 🎁 Use “cinephile” at checkout to take 20% off! 💭 Ask me any question here in the comment or contact me on my DM on Twitter @fre_notion ( P.S. My top 3 movies → Interstellar, Django, Joker My top 3 tv shows → Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Game of Thrones (first 7 seasons ofc 😂) ” – Francesco Pellizzari Discussion | Link" /> the information you need to choose what to watch next at a glance 🎬 Movies database 📺 Tv Shows database 📃 Genres database -> 17 different genres with a unique cover for each 📃 Platforms database -> 9 different streaming services with a unique cover for each 🌟 Actors database (standard version only) 🌟 Directors database (standard version only) 📊 Statistics database -> your personal numbers and time 💡 Bonus List page (find it 😉) 📽️ 3 tutorial videos + 2 video examples to show how to add properly any items in your database with the free browser extension Save to Notion (present in both versions) 📽️ Guide on how to use the Automatic Version ➡️ On Gumroad you can find the full description of the template. 🎁 Use “cinephile” at checkout to take 20% off! 💭 Ask me any question here in the comment or contact me on my DM on Twitter @fre_notion ( P.S. My top 3 movies → Interstellar, Django, Joker My top 3 tv shows → Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Game of Thrones (first 7 seasons ofc 😂) ” – Francesco Pellizzari Discussion | Link"> the information you need to choose what to watch next at a glance 🎬 Movies database 📺 Tv Shows database 📃 Genres database -> 17 different genres with a unique cover for each 📃 Platforms database -> 9 different streaming services with a unique cover for each 🌟 Actors database (standard version only) 🌟 Directors database (standard version only) 📊 Statistics database -> your personal numbers and time 💡 Bonus List page (find it 😉) 📽️ 3 tutorial videos + 2 video examples to show how to add properly any items in your database with the free browser extension Save to Notion (present in both versions) 📽️ Guide on how to use the Automatic Version ➡️ On Gumroad you can find the full description of the template. 🎁 Use “cinephile” at checkout to take 20% off! 💭 Ask me any question here in the comment or contact me on my DM on Twitter @fre_notion ( P.S. My top 3 movies → Interstellar, Django, Joker My top 3 tv shows → Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Game of Thrones (first 7 seasons ofc 😂) ” – Francesco Pellizzari Discussion | Link" />

Watch List Hub — Automatically add your movies and tv shows info in Notion

Product Hunt 技术与编程 中国大陆


“ Track and organize automatically your films and tv shows in this built-in Notion system. It was time for me and every other cinephile out there to have a place of honor in Notion for all the movies and tv shows we loved so much. Never fill in endless info for your favorite shows. Just add the title and a ";". Leave to the template the rest. It's the perfect space to organize what you want to see and remember everything you’ve watched. No more running out of ideas on what to watch during movie nights! Add automatically movies and tv shows in the easiest and fastest way possible to your Watch List Hub databases with this free fantastic integration made by Emad Ahmad. A complete automatic tracker for movies and tv shows. Watch List Hub includes: 👀 Main page -> the information you need to choose what to watch next at a glance 🎬 Movies database 📺 Tv Shows database 📃 Genres database -> 17 different genres with a unique cover for each 📃 Platforms database -> 9 different streaming services with a unique cover for each 🌟 Actors database (standard version only) 🌟 Directors database (standard version only) 📊 Statistics database -> your personal numbers and time 💡 Bonus List page (find it 😉) 📽️ 3 tutorial videos + 2 video examples to show how to add properly any items in your database with the free browser extension Save to Notion (present in both versions) 📽️ Guide on how to use the Automatic Version ➡️ On Gumroad you can find the full description of the template. 🎁 Use “cinephile” at checkout to take 20% off! 💭 Ask me any question here in the comment or contact me on my DM on Twitter @fre_notion ( P.S. My top 3 movies → Interstellar, Django, Joker My top 3 tv shows → Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, Game of Thrones (first 7 seasons ofc 😂) ” – Francesco Pellizzari Discussion | Link








平台:Windows 核心功能: 需要开发一款支持 文件名 和 文件内容 搜索的工具,功能类似于 AnyTXT 和 Everything。 文件名搜索:支持快速准确的文件名匹配,支持正则表达式等高级搜索功能。 文件内容搜索:支持对文件内容的全文搜索,能够在大规模文件系统中迅速定位包含指定文本的文件。 索引构建与更新速度:要求索引构建要非常快速,能够在短时间内完成初始索引创建和增量更新,适应频繁更新的文件系统。 检索速度:检索速度必须要高效,能够在大规模文件系统中实现秒级响应,提供极低延迟的搜索体验。 扩展性:系统需要具备良好的扩展性,支持随着文件数量和数据量的增加而保持高性能。 参考案例: AnyTXT:该工具具备强大的文件内容搜索功能,能够支持多种文件格式的内容索引。 Everything:该工具在文件名搜索方面表现卓越,支持高效的实时索引和极速搜索。可以作为文件名搜索方面的参考。 其他要求: SDK支持二次开发:需要提供 SDK,以支持二次开发,允许用户根据具体需求进行定制和扩展。 授权/出售的方式:开发周期有限,希望是成熟的解决方案,可以直接授权或购买已经具备此类功能的工具或SDK,从而缩短开发周期,并专注于二次开发和功能扩展。 优先级: 时间紧迫,因此优先考虑已有能力和现成的解决方案,能够直接授权或出售的形式,避免从头开始开发。
¥ 5000-10000 技术与编程 开源众包 中国大陆