Kia ora / hi there
I need 2 to three posters created by 0915 Friday 14 March in Canva Pro please. Colour A3 in size.
This is so if you are asleep on the other side of the world, I can edit it and complete the posters myself as I need to print them Friday afternoon New Zealand time. I am good at Canva Pro but not as fast as you will be.
Using the information attached I need poster to communicate to the non-scientific public why the longfin eel/tuna are awesome /ka rawe and the reasons it is in trouble ie loss of habitat, stormwater pollution and historic eel killing.I think I have two much info for one poster hence may need 2-3.If you have only time to do a poster that displays what the longfin tuna is awesome we can negotiate that.
I use some Māori terms which need to be usedTuna – eelKa rawe – awesomeThese only need translated once.And other Māori terms that don’t need translation taonga, taniwha and Aotearoa.
I also attach two versions of my logo that need to appear on the poster, not large but legible.I have colours CMYK that can be shared with you too. There are more images I can share with you but I am limited to 3 here and the word doc has images in it too.
ThanksKinds regardsJenny