Human Resource App

360.0 GBP

360.0 GBP peopleperhour Technology & Programming Overseas
2 days ago


I am seeking a skilled mobile app developer to design and build a human resource management application. The app will allow HR managers and administrative personnel to efficiently manage employee onboarding, offboarding, and changes to employment details from any mobile device.
There will be three main forms within the app - a leavers form, new hires form, and changes form. The leavers form will allow managers to input departing employee details such as name, last date of employment, position held, and reason for leaving. The new hires form will be used to submit new employee information like name, job title, start date, and other onboarding particulars. Lastly, the changes form will facilitate updates to current employee records, allowing modifications to elements including name, job role, compensation, and work hours as needed.
The app needs to be highly intuitive and user-friendly for busy HR managers on the go. All form submissions should be securely stored in a centralized cloud database for easy reference and record-keeping. Administrators also need dashboard access to view, sort, print, and export collected personnel change records as required. Above all, the mobile application must be reliable, stable, and built using modern web development practices for broad cross-platform compatibility.
I welcome estimations from qualified freelance mobile developers who can design and implement this HR management solution within 8 weeks. The goal is to streamline

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