Proofreading a memoir and converting it to digital book format

100.0 GBP

100.0 GBP peopleperhour 写作与翻译 海外


I've just started writing a memoir. When it's done, i want to produce it in digital form (ie. not printed), for internal (family) use only. I need help in two areas (but can split these if necessary):
– Proofreading. I'm confident and competent with technical things like punctuation, grammar and spelling, but would like it to be proofread with regards to the general flow of the text: whether it makes sense, reads well, flows properly, that kind of thing. As I don't yet know the length of the document, I'm happy with a cost per thousand words, if that suits.
– I also need help converting the initial document to book format, and there are various technical elements to this which will need to be worked through. For now though, I need to know what application to use for the memoir to enable it to be converted in due course.
Thank you.








I have a document about laws and economic. About 4000 words. I seek a skilled linguist to translate a collection of articles from English to Spanish. The articles cover a variety of topics within the domain of international current affairs journalism. Translation accuracy and nuanced cultural adaptation are of high importance, as the translated articles will be published on a prominent Spanish-language news website. The initial volume is estimated at 500 words per week, with the potential for additional work if the quality is satisfactory. The style should resemble that of original journalism written in Spanish, with idioms and sentence structures that feel natural to a native Spanish-speaking audience. Meticulous attention to detail is required, as both subtlety in tone and precision in meaning must be preserved. Familiarity with AP Style conventions for journalism and CNI codes for Spanish translation will be an asset, though is not strictly necessary for consideration if a qualification sample demonstrates a strong command of both written languages. The preferred mode of file delivery is via tracked changes or comment bubbles in Microsoft Word documents. A 2-week turnaround time is standard, though slightly faster processing may be accommodated for urgency. Compensation will be discussed upon review of qualifications and an introductory test translation. Preference will be given to candidates with a portfolio featuring published translations or relevant industry experience. Please provide references and a sample translation of up to 500 words for consideration.
167.0 EUR 写作与翻译 peopleperhour 海外