IT Cloud Engineer (Remote)


$10-$18/hourly Guru Technology & Programming Overseas
1 days ago


Hello We are seeking a “Rock-Star” IT Cloud Engineer to work remotely from home on a full-time basis.  You would be providing a blend of cloud management, cloud automation, IT consulting and IT suppor…

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We are an online platform that hosts a multi-vendor marketplace. We are seeking a qualified developer or agency to diagnose and fix a technical issue currently affecting our website. This RFQ outlines the details of the issue and our requirements for resolution. ______________ Issue Description Observed Behaviour: Store vendors are logged out at random intervals whilst editing the contents of their shops (adding or removing products), with no front-facing errors shown. Admin and customer users are unaffected. Seems to happen more often on Chrome compared to Edge. Expected Behaviour: Store vendors should be able to add and remove products, and navigate the backend of the website, without being logged out. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Navigate to the dashboard for a store vendor (whilst logged in as DemoVendor) 2. Add products, remove products and generally navigate. 3. You will be logged out without warning at some point. Sometimes instantly, other times it won’t happen for a long time. Impact: This issue affects all store vendors, leading to reduced management of shops and reduced interaction with the platform. ______________ Technical Environment • Website Platform: Wordpress • Hosting Provider: Siteground • Key Plugins: WCFM Multivendor Marketplace (+ customisation), ACF, Elementor Pro ______________ Scope of Work The selected developer will be responsible for: • Diagnosing the issue and providing a clear explanation of the root cause. • Implementing a fix that resolves the issue without introducing new bugs. • Conducting necessary testing in a staging environment before deploying to production. • Ensuring compliance with security best practices. • Providing basic documentation outlining the fix. • Offering a post-fix support period to address any related issues. ______________ Submission Requirements Vendors interested in submitting a proposal should include: • A proposed approach to diagnosing and fixing the issue. • Estimated timeline for completion. • A detailed cost breakdown. • Any additional support or warranties included.
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