Kazm Explorer — The easiest way to understand web3 projects & wallets

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
980 days ago


“ Our goal at Kazm is to power web3 communities of the future. Web3 has delivered amazing innovations for mobilizing, organizing and aligning large groups of stakeholders towards a shared goal, but it can be really difficult to find the right projects, put their achievements in context, and get a sense for who’s active and engaged. Communities are built on relationships, so trust and transparency are critical for any community to thrive. It’s hard to parse the signal from the noise. Today we’re launching our Explorer, which transforms addresses into profiles, bringing context and discoverability to wallets, tokens, NFTs and DAOs. We hope we can help answer questions like: - What projects are the best fit for me? - Who is the founding team and community behind a project? - What projects are people like me getting involved with? - What are the right benchmarks for a project? How do similar projects perform? The Explorer is just the first step towards a unified community management & analytics platform that will help projects grow, engage, and reward their members. We’re just getting started, but we’re excited to have you along for the journey. If you have any other Web3 questions you’d like to be able to answer with data, please let us know in the comments! Thank you for your support! Ben - Follow us on Twitter! twitter.com/kazmapp - Interested in learning more about our pilot for communities? Reach out at early@kazm.com. - We’re hiring! Open positions: kazm.xyz/join ” – Benjamin Turtel Discussion | Link

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