mini editing

80.0 GBP

80.0 GBP peopleperhour 写作与翻译 海外


mini edit 5 pages of my book on amazon edit in intro and afterword of book not body of book the magic sunglasses by auriel blanche - paperback and kindle








I seek an editing expert to review and polish a business presentation intended for prospective clients. The 25-slide PowerPoint deck outlines our company's services and accomplishments over the past year. While the content and message are solid, the current draft could benefit from a skilled editor's expertise to refine the writing and ensure clarity of ideas and consistency in style and tone. The selected freelancer will provide a line-by-line review and suggested edits to tighten and strengthen the verbal impact and visual impact of each slide. Attention should be paid to grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting. Slide decks often succumb to repetitiveness so variations in phrasing and livelier word choices are encouraged where needed. Flow and logical progression between concepts on different slides also requires scrutiny. Once reviewed, comprehensive track changes or comments highlighting required changes will be reviewed and amendments made as deemed suitable. The goal is a polished, professional product that impresses prospective partners and clients with its articulation of our value proposition. Final approval of any/all modifications lies with myself to preserve intended messaging. Experience with presentation materials, editing business documents and an eye for visual storytelling through slides are essential. This is an important sales tool, so a skilled writing and design perspective is needed to help the presentation shine. Your editing expertise will help ensure every word and image contributes maximum impact.
61.0 GBP 写作与翻译 peopleperhour 海外