Ikast — stream your favourite NFT from your phone right to your TV

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
963 days ago


“ Hi Makers! I'm Thomas, founder of Ikast, the first utility app which allows NFT owners to cast their NFT right to their TV in one click. I discovered NFTs about a year and a half ago, and I must admit I didn't understand anything. Hahaha I started to get involved in the ecosystem nine months ago, even though many crazy projects were coming out. But there was a problem. There was still no application to project your NFT at home, except eventually to buy a pre-ordered Frame for $3000, which would arrive way too late, being the microcomponent crisis that was already hitting us. Ikast was born. The concept is simple: - Connect your wallet. - Connect your phone to the wifi. - Cast your NFT instantly on your smart TV. - Use a Google Cast if you don't have a smart TV. I told you it was simple. Isn't it? Do you have several NFTs? Create slideshows of your NFTs to show your entire collection. The application is available on the App Store and the Play Store to facilitate everyone's life (sorry, Windows Phone). For information, Ikast is entirely free and will remain so. We do not collect personal data; we do not track our users' activity either. We are listening to the community to make decisions about future updates. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment, and we will get back to you 🙂 Web3 is coming! See you in the Metaverse 👾 ” – Thomas Discussion | Link

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