Clippost — Schedule video tweet threads on twitter

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
1041 days ago


“ Hey PH Folks, I am an addictive Twitter user and also have been using other social media e.g. Instagram, YouTube etc. I have been seeing a trend that video based content is getting more and more user engagement. But Twitter is far behind in term of video content and there are lots of reasons for that. One major is restriction from Twitter to have maximum video length 2 minute and 20 seconds, maximum size to be 512 MB and so on. This get me excited to build a small tool which can automate video tweet uploading. User can share/schedule video tweets or video tweet thread by just entering the url from other social media like YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo (more platform support on the way). For a quick product demo please watch this YouTube video I would love to have your feedback, ideas and accept criticism 😃 ” – Haider Ali Discussion | Link

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