Lead-Gen Modern Tech WordPress Site

Under $250

Under $250 Guru Technology & Programming Overseas
6 hour ago


Objectives - Enhance the appearance of existing site. - Test all website components to ensure they function correctly. - Complete missing pages and elements as outlined in the project scope document. …

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FIRSTLY/STOP -- Please ONLY apply for this job if and ONLY IF if you speak---- EXCELLENT ENGLISH!!!! As I need to COLLABORATE with you verbally on Video conference on ZOom or PPH in order to 1) I just purchased my a brand new HP SMART TANK Printer-- So i can do a COMMUnity Project ---to use the Printer to teach my community kids how to print their own tshirts using this Printer I have purchased a CABLE to plug in from the Printer to the DELL LAPTOP -- But this Printer is still saying " OFFLINE" I have particially downloaded the HP SMART TANK 530 PRINTER-- But my battery went dear dead. So i was not able to completed the HP Drive download. so I need someone to go online using TEAMVIEWER or ANYDESK to complete this the Driver of the HP SMART TANK 530 so that it WORKS and sync in with my DELL LAPTOP so i can teach my community of teeenagers HOW TO PRINT the Designs for their TSHIRT using this HP SMART TANK 530 Printer So again your ENGLISH willl have to be EXCELLENT because you willl need to ANYDESK with me to collaborate with me to get this PRINTER up and working !!!!! __________________________________________________________ Second JOB -- i have a LENOVA LAPTOP -- the Battery is dead and cost $90.00 to buy a new battery So I dont want to have to have buy another Battery for this . So i will have to PLUG in the LAPTOP and then try to recharge this LAPTOP and then 1) Save implortant Documents off my Laptop and save them onto a USB 2) Then I will like to CLEAN everything else off my LENOVA Laptop so i can get space. As the LAPTOP has " shut down" because i think it has run out of Space. and needs stuff clean off , so i can have more space and be able to use that LAPTOP /computer again _____________________________________________________________________________ so if you speak good english and want to work on EASTERN STANDARD TIME Then JOIN MY LINK , so i can i interveiw you and seee if you got the skills to get these two Jobs done with ease _______________________ please send me a LINK from GOogle Drive our your YOUTUBE hannel so i can HEAR you speak that way i can qualify for the JOB QUICKLY based on your ability to communicate CLEARLY with me Send me a LINK to join you here on PPH for a meeting anytime between 7pm and 11pm TOMMOROW Night EASTERN STANDARD TIME
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