Hello, can you please update the Gif with a new graphic style?Same size for the electronic signature on the attachment.
First check the working briefing https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hv2sa3wlflesq1ic8d7gy/TEMPLATES-GIF-s-2024-et-2025.pptx?rlkey=w1xh4vdlq27h62x1j023zukhz&st=lz9x1vby&dl=0
Old Gif 2024: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zi9aj5a1qhrbyux3ueey8/image014.gif?rlkey=bdde3j4mnnucmpnijylmnk27f&dl=0
You can use:GIF 2025 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g3k4rbv63lb76xpub0swf/Expertisme_Motion_Design.gif?rlkey=hy5ojonxa8nt6pi2mvw0njyde&dl=030
But we want the new graphic style like de14.expertisme.com
Deadline: Tomorrow morning 9am Paris time
Thanks for your feedback and your real gif book.Can you explain to me what software you use for this please?
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