We have a partially developed Xamarin Forms application with iOS/Android support. This application is a mapping application, where it displays street & utility maps, and helps our technician to survey gas pipes in the field. The application today: 1. Provides the to-do list of areas that a person need to survey. 2. Allows them to start/stop survey, which in turn collects GPS locations at specified frequency. 3. It has a BLE stack to interact with leak detecting equipment to collect data through polling. 5. It has on-line, off-line capabilities. When off-line stores data in a SQLite DB on the mobile device and synchronizes with the Azure based cloud infrastructure. 6. Allows our staff to enter additional attributes/data as they inspect the ground and report issues, remarks, special events etc using Form input. 7. Helps the technician to take pictures/videos on ground and store them along with the data being captured. 8. Provides real-time feedback to the users. We need to re-factor this application for performance and productivity. This is an interesting project and we would like folks who have immense interest in problem solving and creating high-tech apps using mobile technology. Candidates selected will have to sign: 1. NDA/NCA 2. Open to background check initiated by us. 3. Service agreement tied to stipulated deliverables.
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