Preppally — Career guidance for jobs at tech companies

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
1040 days ago


“ 🚀 Launching Preppally today - a scaled solution to solve for multiple issues in the tech company recruitment space: 1. FAANG alone has currently more than 2,300 open commercial (marketing, sales, ...) roles in EMEA - and needs to diversify their pool of talent more, starting earlier in the process. 2. Candidates who want to work in tech have to deal with serious asymmetry of information around recruitment processes and often fail in the recruitment process not because not having the skillset, but because they are not trained on how to align their communication. 3. Employees working in tech companies spending a tremendous amount of time on preparing their referrals in a non-scaled 121 setting 4. Not everyone has access to or is the right fit for traditional education or 'Business Schools' who are preparing you to apply for these companies 5. Additional need for more diverse profiles (leading to 87% better decisions) and provide a connection between current employees, allies and underrepresented candidates. Career Guidance Programs currently are expensive - often billing on pre-tax compensation of successful candidates. Finding your dream job shouldn't depend on background or financial situation. In the past 18 months, I have built Preppally from scratch, spending more than 50-full time weeks on it in my free time. Preppally wants to build a community of aspiring commercial profiles who want to work in tech, building a bridge between companies and new pools of candidates. Are you ready to start working on a new career? Start learning how to stand out, apply and land your dream job. Become an early adopter, get a 50% discount using the promo code #earlyadopter and receive a lifelong early adopter badge with multiple perks! Link below: ” – Jeroen De Koninck Discussion | Link

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