Buildkite Test Analytics — Observability for your test suites

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
953 days ago


“ Hey Product Hunt 👋🏼 7 years after @keithpitt and I launched Buildkite to the world, I'm super proud to announce that we’ve released our second product: Test Analytics! 🚀 The world’s awash with production monitoring tools — but test suites are like the silent second application that runs alongside your production code. We saw so many teams setting up their own custom tools, all trying to answer: what if you had the same quality of performance and error monitoring you have for production, but for your test suite? We set out to solve this problem in a way that was real-time and integrated into your build system, and now we’re releasing it to everyone. And it works with any CI system, program language, or testing framework. ⚡️ Check it out at ⚡️ * Automatically identify flaky tests, see what is causing the most disruption for your team, and get a head-start on fixing them for good. * Get deep visibility and tracing for your test suite, integrated with your programming language and test framework. * Set targets and identify problems as soon as they occur with configurable speed and reliability monitors. I'm super proud of what we’ve built, and I hope you enjoy it too 🤗 Thank you 🙏 ” – Tim Lucas Discussion | Link

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