Cloud-Based Budget Management System Integration

65.0 GBP

65.0 GBP peopleperhour Writing & Translation Overseas
23 days ago


I am currently seeking a proficient professional to assist in the development and integration of a cloud-based budget management system with our existing spreadsheet estimation tool.
Key Features:
- Cloud-Based: Selected freelancer should be experienced in setting up cloud-based systems, ensuring our business can smoothly transition and update financial numbers remotely.
- Interface with existing spreadsheet: Expertise in integrating or interfacing the cloud-based system with our current spreadsheet is essential. Backend expertise is desirable.
- User-Friendly: To guarantee seamless use by multiple hands, the platform must present a comprehensible and user-friendly interface.
- Usage scale: The system will cater to 11-50 users. Therefore, it should be capable of supporting this number of users simultaneously, without compromising on functionality or speed.
- User Access: Each user requires full access to all features. Experience setting up role-based access control in a budget management system would be a plus.
The ideal freelancer for this role is someone who effectively combines software engineering skills, a deep familiarity with cloud-based systems, and an understanding of user interface design. Previous experience in budget management systems would certainly give you a competitive edge. Let's make our budgeting fluid and effortless!

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