MULTO — Your own kitchen farm

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
960 days ago


“ Hey Product Hunt! I’m Mael Thomas, the GM of Prêt à Pousser. We are a joyful brand from Paris, and we celebrate the awesomeness of Nature and food. Prêt à Pousser develops and sells products that allow you to grow plants at home, on your kitchen counter, your desk, or your living room table. After having introduced hundreds of thousands of families to home-growing, with our small indoor vegetable gardens, we are moving on to the next step. 6 years of R&D... Sleepless nights... Design and technology changes... And I’m excited to introduce to you our newest addition — MULTO. It’s a personal indoor vertical farm that's as compact as a regular shelf. To develop MULTO we've teamed up with multiple award-winning industrial designer Xavier Houy, who has a Red Dot Design Award and a Platinum A’ Design Award to his name, among others. So what makes Multo so different from others? It is the very first personal farm to integrate an ebb and flow technology. Like the tide in the ocean, the water level will rise and fall at regular intervals thanks to a submerged pump that is automatically activated. This movement creates a continuous circulation around the roots, enriching them with nutrients and oxygen with each cycle. Now combine this with the special sun-mimicking grow lights and our own liquid nutrients and the user will get up to 200% more yield, than with other traditional solutions. Also, thanks to a unique modular tray system, our customers will to be able to grow not only standard veggies or greens, but also root plants, like radishes for the first time in an indoor garden! The nursery tray will help you kickstart the growth of your next plants without taking much space, while the micro-greens tray will allow you to get your daily dose of super food. We made Multo versatile and you can grow pretty much anything: from salad leaves to herbs, radishes, microgreens, and even flowers ! You can start with one MULTO and expand it as your needs grow ! You can find more information about the product on our Kickstarter campaign page. We are very excited to introduce this new product which truly embodies our mission at Prêt à Pousser : reconnect people to their food by allowing them to grow it, at home ! I'll be happy to answer any questions you have! 🪴 ” – Mael THOMAS Discussion | Link

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