Hi Freelancers,I am looking for someone who is familiar with Twilio to do a quick task of implementing an Alpha numeric sender ID. I need the code prepared and then the chosen freelancer to guide me as I run it on my local server and ensure the Alpha Sender ID is created in Twilio.There is more work that will follow after this task as we are looking maximise the use of Twilio in our organisation. So after successfully implementing the above code the freelancer should also make an implementation plan for Twilio usage. Then we can discuss the next task.See Sample Code below: import requests# Replace the placeholders with your actual Twilio account SID and Auth Tokenaccount_sid = '{AccountSID}'auth_token = '{AuthToken}'# Define the friendly name, sender type, and sender IDfriendly_name = 'Learn English MathsMessaging Service'sender_type = 'AlphaSender'sender_id = 'learnenglishmaths'# Set up the request headers headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/ x-www-form-urlencoded'}# Set up the request data data = {}'FriendlyName': friendly_name, f'{sender_type}': sender_id# Make the POST request to create theMessaging Serviceresponse = requests.post(f'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{account_sid}/Messaging/Services.json',)headers-headers,auth=(account_sid, auth_token),data=data# Check the status code of the responseif response.status_code == 201:# The request was successfulprint('Messaging Service created successfully')else:# The request was unsuccessful print('Failed to create Messaging Service')
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