Mapping of products into EKM website, maintenance, payments etc

250.0 GBP

250.0 GBP peopleperhour 技术与编程 海外


I have a current but not active ekm ecommerce website as its in the early build stage. I am distributor for a range of street furniture projects, these products with their various options come in a big excel file with all the info. It needs mapping across and checking its in the right order. There has been a file imported and as long as that is ok we can reuse that format I guess.
There will be other ongoing maintenance, adjustments improvements etc
EKM within the package I have bought will do a designed skin/graphics once we have the tech/details correct.
Assistance/advice with the payment side of things
Basically getting it up and completed








Hi There, I am looking for an AI Automation engineer, who is an expert with MAKE AI ( and integrations that MAKE has with Google (Mail, Sheets and Drive), OpenAI (ChatGPT, Dall-E) , PERLEXITY & CANVA. The project is as follows. I want to create an AI Automation workflow that gathers data (both open source - from RSS Feeds, e-mails sent to an inbox, and data that is posted to a Google sheet via URL links for example), create fresh content based on that data, leveraging a custom ChatGPT model and then write output to both a CANVA newsletter template and a text output to a google sheet/doc for me to use as a content source for social media and internal posts. What you will need to be able to do: 1. Create an AI Automation Process using MAKE ( that reads data from a source 1a - Source 1 - Monitor an e-mail inbox for new e-mails 1b - Souce 2 - Monitor a Google Sheet for new URLs 1c - Souce 3 - RSS Feeds from particular cyber security sources 2. When the data is read, create a summary for each source integrating with PERLEXITY. 3. Take the PERPLEXITY summary and write that to a ChatGPT model, to create the following outputs: 3a - LinkedIn Post - Create a LinkedIn post & Generate an Image using OpenAI Dall-E and write that post to a separate Google document for review 3b - X Post - Create a LinkedIn Post & Generate an Image using OpenAI Dall-E and write that post to a separate Google document for review 3c - Newsletter Release - Create a Newsletter release on the output using a CANVA template and write that file to a Google Drive for review. 3d - E-Mail Update - Create an e-mail to educate readers on the subject matter and forward to an e-mail inbox for review. 4. Optionally I want to create a YouTube channel using automation, that will take the content created and create an automated YouTube video updating viewers on the content, creating video, audio and content using automation. Thank you!
250.0 GBP 技术与编程 peopleperhour 海外