“ Hi Product Hunt, Excited to mention about by new tiny product, Gmail To Slack What is it? Using Apps Script you can monitor new emails (Gmail) from specific senders & get notified in Slack. You only need Google Sheet & Slack. Why I developed this script I wanted to get notification of just few specific emails in Slack, so developed this script. I got bored by continuously checking for important emails that I am interested & expecting. Now, I get all important ones at one place! Personally, I use to get my Gumroad sale notification in Slack. How is it different 1. You get full code, so modify accordingly 2. No monthly costs! Just get the script for one time fee. 3. Simple to use. You get full instructions. All you need is Google sheets & Slack. 4. It runs on your account, so high privacy! PH Launch Offer I created a discount code for the PH community. Use code PRODUCTHUNT15 for 15 % off. Let me know if you have any queries. Would be happy to answer! ” – Rupjyoti Nath Discussion | Link
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