miCount — Count anything. Build Consistency.

Product Hunt Technology & Programming China
956 days ago


“ Apps have changed the way I operate over the years, from Things keeping track of my chores, work and personal deadlines, to YNAB showing me my budget on different spending categories right from my home screen. I found that for me, simplicity was key to focusing on self-improvement and not having to worry about the logistics of self quantification. I've seen myself go through ups and downs in an upward trend since 2016. I built this app to be the simplest way to count anything. Of course, we're still at v1.2 and there's a lot more on the way, including but not limited to reminders, Apple Watch app and Siri support. I've been using it for a few months now, and I'm already starting to reap the benefits, from something as simple as drinking an extra glass or two of water before bed to keep my streak going, to remembering to take my medications daily. Track your daily steps, runs, or jumps and compare your progress over time. Set a goal for the number of coffees you want to drink in a week and track your progress. Keep track of the number of times you brush your teeth or floss in a week. Track how many days in a row you've gone to the gym. There's no limit to what you can track with miCount! What would you like to count to build consistency? What would help you count better? Your feedback is valuable, as my goal is to build miCount to help us all become our best selves! P.S. If you prefer to provide feedback anonymously, you can contact us directly on our website, where you can optionally enter an email if you'd like to hear back. ” – Nikhil Kumar Discussion | Link

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