Contember — Open-source, headless CMS without limits

Product Hunt 技术与编程 中国大陆


“ Hey ProductHunt 👋 I’ve spent the last 16 years building websites and applications for clients. Every project was a struggle: how to adapt the project to what the chosen CMS allows. We tried a ton of them and always ended up with (at least) one feature that was very problematic. 3 years ago we decided to approach the problem from a different angle and started building Contember. Contember leaves all the decisions about data structure and administration screens up to you. Build any administration on any data structure in hours. Here’s why we think you’ll love it: Open-source We're a team of developers and we built this for all the developers out there. Your codebase is the single source of truth, no obscure settings and no hidden magic. Contember fits right in your git-based development workflow. Instant GraphQL API GraphQL is a great way to consume content anywhere. Contember gives you an instant GraphQL API for the data structure you defined. User-centric administration Every use case is different and therefore universal administration interfaces don't work. Contember gives you powerful tooling to build any administration you need in a few hours with React.js and Typescript. Declarative role-based access control No more hard-coded permissions in your app. Define any number of roles you need and automatically get scoped GraphQL API for them. Take advantage of advanced features like predicates and variables. Platform as a service Deploy Contember with one command and don’t worry about security updates or maintenance. We offer to host Contember for you so you focus on building your web app and not on managing infrastructure. That’s Contember. We wish we had it years ago and want to hear what you think! Join the conversation in Discord or comment below. ” – Honza Sládek Discussion | Link








¥ 5000-10000 技术与编程 开源众包 中国大陆