I am looking to get in touch with an expert AI consultant for AI marketing software development.
I am looking to develop 3 tools that can be integrated with TeleCRM which uses a label system to categorise the leads divided for each workspace (business) type:
1. LinkedIn AI tool scope of work:
2. Facebook AI tool scope of work:
3. Scraper AI tool scope of work:
Download the scope of work in attachment.
You need to show proof and experience that you have developed this type of system.I am keen to talk only with qualified AI consultants, and you will get paid ONLY if the tools are fully functional and tested by myself within a period not less than 20 working days.
I am using local hardware and not datacenter space as I don't like paying subscriptions long-term; therefore, you need to be confident to setup servers and/or operate with Jatson Orion applications and provide assistance long-term.
Thanks AB
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