ArrayList — A Super Simple Cloud List DB (Free, No Login, No DB-config)

Product Hunt 技术与编程 中国大陆


“ Hi Devs, I felt it should be a simple process to store values from a website to a database. Let's say you want to collect email subscriptions from a static website. We shouldn't even be requiring a node/python server and database configuring etc. So I developed this simple api for storing list data. ArrayList is a free Cloud List database (No signup required). You can use it for storing things like form submissions, email-subscription forms or make a AJAX/REST call to store values in your own list. You can set HTML Form Action value to your list-url and store these Form values to the list. Works great with static websites, no need for backend code. How To Use: 1 - First create a list from 2 - Copy and save both the urls List URL and also the view URL Note : It's very important to store the second url which contains the password. 3 - Start using the List URL for forms or call them directly from ajax. 4- To view your data go to the second View URL which is given at Step-2. Let me know if you want to see additional features. TechStack: Nodejs, Redis, running on and Netlify. If you have feedback or suggestions please comment here or reach me at Twitter ( @prakis ) ” – Kishore Discussion | Link






