I need a catalogue front & back cover and category title pages

50.0 GBP

50.0 GBP peopleperhour Design Overseas
7 hour ago


I require design work for a printed catalogue containing multiple product categories. Specifically, custom designs are needed for the front and back covers of the catalogue as well as title pages introducing each category of products. The designs should have a clean, modern aesthetic that effectively communicates the company brand.
The front cover needs to prominently display the company logo and name along with a brief tagline describing the type of products featured. Engaging graphics are encouraged to entice readers to explore further. The back cover should maintain brand consistency while including essential details like the publication date and product descriptions.
Category title pages will introduce and represent the various sections that products are grouped into, such as home goods, accessories, etc. These interior designs must seamlessly integrate with the covers to provide a cohesive look and feel throughout the catalogue. Font style and color palette should remain uniform across all designs.
Successful candidates will have a portfolio demonstrating expertise in print media design, layout, and branding. The ability to effectively conceptualize, plan, and execute custom designs that achieve client objectives is essential. Sketch ideas, edit based on feedback, and deliver high-resolution print-ready files on deadline are expected. Creativity, communication, and quality work are valued for this project.

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