Re-write & format a Professional CV

100.0 GBP

100.0 GBP peopleperhour Writing & Translation Overseas
19 days ago


I seek an expert resume writer and career consultant to overhaul my daughter's curriculum vitae. Her existing word document outlines her educational background and professional experience, however could benefit greatly from a skilled revision.
The ideal candidate will rewrite the content in a clear, compelling narrative style tailored to highlight her strongest qualifications and fit within standard formatting conventions. Work history, skills, and accomplishments should be optimized to appeal to prospective employers in her desired field. Additional categories such as qualifications summary, relevant coursework, certifications or volunteer work may complement her profile if included strategically.
Presentation is paramount. Creative use of visual design elements can make her resume stand out amongst competitors. Consistent formatting, appropriate font choice and clean layout will ensure easy reading and processing. Any subjective elements like interests or references should complement rather than distract from the objective qualifications.
Upon project selection, I will share her draft resume via private message for review and rework. The completed file should be returned within one week in an industry-standard format like Microsoft Word. Feedback on structure, content and next career steps would also be appreciated.
My goal is to empower her with a polished professional identity statement to launch her career aspirations. Kindly consider this opportunity if you have extensive resume writing experience and talent for customizing documents to individual needs.

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