Forensic SQL DBMS Auditing.

41.0 EUR

41.0 EUR peopleperhour 技术与编程 海外


Description: I am seeking the expertise of a forensic expert to conduct a thorough audit of my SQL Database Management System (DBMS). The audit will focus on user login/logout, data read/write operations, and schema changes. The goal is to identify any unauthorized access, data tampering, or regulatory compliance issues. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of SQL and be familiar with various SQL DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server). Experience in forensic auditing of databases is essential, as well as knowledge of compliance regulations. The candidate should be able to detect and interpret signs of unauthorized access and data tampering. Additional information about the project can be discussed further, and I am open to suggestions on what additional information you may require from me.Insert into input fieldTry agai








Seeking an experienced AI expert to provide hourly support (objective & subjective questions) on two key topics within AI: Search Algorithms and Logic. Required strong theoretical foundation and related concepts and implementations. Scope of topics 1. Search Algorithms Understanding and implementing search algorithms, including Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and Iterative Deepening. Estimating the size and complexity of searches performed by uninformed search algorithms. Designing heuristics for informed search algorithms. Applying informed search algorithms, including Greedy Best-First Search and A* Search. 2. Logic Representing scenarios in propositional logic and transforming logic sentences into conjunctive normal form (CNF). Applying reasoning algorithms for propositional logic with Horn clauses, including forward and backward chaining. Representing decision problems and logical entailment as propositional satisfiability. Solving satisfiability problems using reasoning algorithms in propositional logic. > Solving Problems with Search – Uninformed Search Strategies Tree Search and Graph Search Uninformed Search Strategies Depth-first search and depth-limited search Iterative Deepening Search Breadth-First Search > Solving problems with search - informed search strategies Informed Search Strategies Activity: Obstacles / Design of Heuristics > Representing and reasoning with knowledge Principles of logic and propositional logic Inference in propositional logic Forward and backward chaining First-Order Logic The satisfiability problem in propositional logic Entailment with satisfiability A complete, backtracking algorithm for SAT An incomplete, randomised algorithm for SAT Executing DPLL and WalkSAT Scalability of SAT
15.0 USD 技术与编程 peopleperhour 海外