Design and enhance an employee handbook.

20.0 GBP

20.0 GBP peopleperhour 设计 海外


I need a designer who can assist in enhancing an employee handbook by making it more aesthetic. I.e. utilising company photos, ensuring the handbook is easy to read and looks forward-thinking and futuristic.
The handbook is approximately 25 Pages. We also need the company logo to look more aesthetic.








Attached is an image of a modern kitchen design. I like its theme and look and would like someone to design my new house kitchen following the same theme and look, however, it needs to have its own configuration to suit my kitchen's dimensions and layout (which is different than the example). Please see the first attached image. The only exception is to apply matte material for cabinet doors. The second attachment is an image showing my kitchen's dimensions. I wish to change the floor tiles to new ones that are large size glossy (shiny) porcelain tiles that look like marble. The selected designer is to suggest the size and specific tile that would best suit the kitchen design. I also would like to leave no empty space on top of the upper kitchen cabinets. In other words, the upper cabinets are to be designed to reach the gypsum ceiling with no gap in between. Parts of the kitchen cabinets are to be designed to be floor to ceiling whereas other parts are to be designed as lower cabinets with porcelain countertops and then upper cabinets (please see the example model design - first attachment). REQUIRED DELIVERABLES (of the final design and details that I have approved): 1- Three 3D Renderings (HD - photo realistic) presenting all sides of the final kitchen design with clear rendering of all details 2- One flooring plan showing the final configuration of the floor tiles 3- The image, product name, color code and number of each of the following (separately): 1) Material to be used for the exterior of the cabinet doors and drawers; 2) Porcelain countertop; 3) Floor tile 4. AutoCad file containing the kitchen design REQUIRED TIME FOR DELIVERY OF FINAL WORK: Within 4 calendar days Of course, I will need to review draft suggestions and we will go through a process of comments and revisions to reach the final design and details. Finally, please send me along with your proposal your best previous kitchen designs that you did from A to Z. Thank you
85.0 USD 设计 peopleperhour 海外
I would like this script turned into an animation with vocals. Give me a rough price and timeframe. (A plush, over-the-top sofa dominates the space. RUSSELL, wearing flamboyant clothes, lounges comfortably with an exaggeratedly confident smile. A mirror hangs on the wall, reflecting his visage as he admires himself.) RUSSELL: (leaning back, gazing into the mirror) Ah, behold! The epitome of beauty and brilliance! I mean, just look at me. It's like the universe conspired to create the most exquisite specimen—more dazzling than a thousand sunsets! (He straightens up, using grand gestures as if addressing a live audience.) RUSSELL: Now, let’s talk intellect, shall we? While most people are busy with their mundane chatter, I’m here, unfurling the intricacies of the English language like a literary origami expert! (pausing for effect) For example, while you may say "happy," I say "ebulliently jubilant"! (He twirls his hair dramatically, reveling in his own brilliance.) RUSSELL: Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—or shall I say, the majestic unicorn? (winks) I have had more romantic escapades than any man alive! A veritable Casanova, if you will. My conquests are so legendary that even the gods are taking notes. (He leans closer to the imaginary audience, lowering his voice conspiratorially.) RUSSELL: Do you think I just charm people with my vocabulary? No, no! It’s my magnetic presence! And my ability to drop arcane words like "quixotic" and "serendipitous" in the same breath. It’s all about the finesse, darling! (He stands up, striking a pose, hands on hips.) RUSSELL: So, to all you mortals out there, take note! Beauty? Check! Brains? Double-check! A love life so extravagant, it would make even Don Juan weep with envy! (He spins around dramatically, arms outstretched.) RUSSELL: In the words of some ancient philosopher—who I can’t remember because I’m too busy being fabulous—“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” But let’s be honest, they can’t compete! (He looks directly into the camera, grinning.) RUSSELL: So, join me, my lovely audience, on this fantastical journey of intellect, charm, and infinite romantic escapades! Because in a world where everyone is striving to be someone, I’m simply being—well, me! (He blows a kiss to the camera, then flops back onto the sofa, admiring himself again.) RUSSELL: Now, where's my entourage? It’s time to dazzle the world once more! (FADE OUT)
100.0 GBP 设计 peopleperhour 海外