Hi there!
We’re Driversnote, a fast-growing SaaS company based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
We take pride in helping more than 1,500,000 users worldwide keep a mileage logbook. No one likes to do mileage documentation - so we try to remove this tedious work and make our customers’ life simpler by saving them both time and money.
Our primary markets are English-speaking; US, Canada, Australia, and the UK - so we’re aiming to expand our international team to serve customers and users all around the world.
The role
We’re full speed ahead in improving our response time and fantastic service across all time zones and are therefore in need of a friendly and passionate self-driven individual to join our Customers Team as our new Customer support Specialist working remotely from Western Australia.
We specifically need help with the Australian market in the afternoon and helping our European customers as they wake up. We are looking for someone who is interested and excited about working in the late afternoon and evenings.
Sound interesting?
Some of your responsibilities:
Success story sharing