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How to define Gradle's home in IDEA?

I am trying to import a Gradle project into IntelliJ, and when I get to the Gradle Home textbox, it is not automatically populated, nor will typing in the path of Gradle Home result in a valid location - I have the GRADLE_USER_HOME environment variable set (to what I think is!) the correct path, and I have been able to successfully import this same project into Eclipse. Any suggestions?

Yeah, the discussion on the JetBrains site seems to indicate it's an issue with symlinks - see reply by Denis.Zhdanov here:
If you choose "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)", you don't need to set Gradle Home. Unfortunately, they don't grey out the input box for it - they merely indicate that it's disabled by the type of cursor that you have when you mouse over it.


You can write a simple gradle script to print your GRADLE_HOME directory.

task getHomeDir {
    doLast {
        println gradle.gradleHomeDir

and name it build.gradle.

Then run it with:

gradle getHomeDir

If you installed with homebrew, use brew info gradle to find the base path (i.e. /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/1.10/), and just append libexec.

The same task in Kotlin in case you use build.gradle.kts:

tasks.register("getHomeDir") {
    println("Gradle home dir: ${gradle.gradleHomeDir}")

For those on Linux Mint / Ubuntu, then /usr/share/gradle is the output of this gradle script.
@Steve Happy to help. Tonight I was myself a beneficiary.
This worked for me, but it's so stupid. I used Gradle's SDK Manager to install Gradle. Why can't IntelliJ use that?
On Fedora 25 that's /usr/share/gradle too.
For Arch Linux it is: /usr/share/java/gradle

Installed on a Mac via Homebrew, the path


is preferable to


since the former will survive version upgrades.

This is also the case for Android Studio (as of AS 1.3, anyway).
Nice one, I ended up using this beast to set my GRADLE_HOME (to prevent issues when upgrading gradle with brew) export GRADLE_HOME=`python -c "import os; print(os.path.realpath('$(which gradle)'))" | xargs dirname | xargs dirname | xargs printf "%s/libexec"` If anyone can simplify, that would be handy too :)
@mlo55 much easier to use export GRADLE_HOME=$(realpath $(brew --prefix gradle))/libexec
@mlo55 why did you do that in python rather than just calling which gradle in the shell?
@MikeYoung , I didn't have realpath installed installed at the time. nb: I now use export GRADLE_HOME="$(brew --prefix gradle)/libexec/" as recommended by @delitescene. Compare ls "$(brew --prefix gradle)/libexec/" with ls "$(which gradle)/libexec/" on osx, if u r using brew.

If you installed gradle with homebrew, then the path is:


Where X.X is the version of gradle (currently 2.1)


If you are using IntelliJ, just do the following.

Close the project (re)Open the project you will see "Import gradle project" message on the right bottom. click. select "Use default gradle wrapper". not "Use local gradle distribution"

That's all.

If you select "Use default gradle wrapper", is not not necessary to supply Gradle home?
Answer: Yes. Blame it on bad UX that I didn't notice before.
"Use gradle 'wrapper' task configuration" worked for me - idk what it means thought
If you want IDEA to define your gradle version for you from your actual build script then you select "Use gradle 'wrapper' task configuration"
@AndrewGrimm In my case this radio button is disabled. So I cant select it. Any ideas?

This is what helped me solve the problem of not having Gradle home set for the IDEA when importing a Gradle project.

THREE OPTIONS -- (A) Default Wrapper (B) "gradle 'wrapper' task configuration" OR (C) "local gradle distribution" defined by jetbrains:

A. Default Wrapper (recommended)

If you are able, select this recommended option. If it is grayed out, see option C, which should then set your default for all subsequent projects.

B. Gradle 'Wrapper' Task Configuration

If you want IDEA to define your gradle version for you from your build script

Set this option if you define your gradle build versions as a task within your actual gradle build.

Example below from jetbrains:

(useful if you do not want to share gradle builds between projects)

C. Local Gradle Distribution

1. Run the following command to get gradle location:

   brew info gradle (if gradle was installed with homebrew)

2. You are looking for something like this:


3. Next, append 'libexec' to the gradle location you just found:


This is because "libexec is to be used by other daemons and system utilities executed by other programs" (i.e. IDEA). Please see

4. Finally, put that new path in the Gradle home input box if IDEA prompts you.

IDEA should now have allowed you to hit OK

For me no matter what I do, I get: Cause: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
@slashdottir it may have something to do with the network you are using (if at work or University) or you may need to close IDEA, restart machine, and rebuild from a new project. See…, even though it is Android-studio it might still be useful. Let me know if any of this helps.
Finally just switched to building gradle from comand-line - worked out okay that way - thx


\Android studio\gradle didn't worked for me.

And "Default gradle wrapper" wasn't configured while importing (cloning) the project from bitbucket

If it causes problem to figure out the path, here is my path :


Not very helpful to post a path that only works with your username and particular version numbers. Also not helpful to not propose any solution.

This is instruction for MAC only. I had the same problem. I solved it by configuring $GRADLE_HOME in .bash_profile. Here's how you do it:

Open .bash_profile (usually it's located in the user’s home directory).

Add the following lines to update $PATH variable: export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$PATH

Save it.

Apply your changes by running source .bash_profile

I wrote my own article with instruction in a case if somebody will encounter the same problem.

Thanks for your answer. For gradle4.7 version : export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/gradle/4.7/libexec export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
@PiashSarker, I can see that /usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec is a symlink to /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/4.7/libexec . If the gradle version will be updated, symlink will be automatically updated as well. Saying that, it is still safer to use /usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

On a mac it should ideally be at : /Applications/Android

(Replace the version string with the latest)

@RuchirBaronia Only if you are using Android Studio
That is not an answer at all. What it should be "ideally at" is not what needs to be answered.
Obviously the version of Gradle will keep going up over the years. Try this to see what you currently have: ls -d "/Applications/Android"/*

AFAIK it is GRADLE_HOME not GRADLE_USER_HOME (see gradle installation

On the other hand I played a bit with Gradle support in Idea 13 Cardea and I think the gradle home is not automatically discover by Idea. If so you can file a issue in youtrack.

Also, if you use gradle 1.6+ you can use the Graldle support for setting the build and wrapper. I think idea automatically discover the wrapper based gradle project.

$ gradle setupBuild --type java-library

$ gradle wrapper

Note: Supported library types: basic, maven, java


Daniel Scott

If you're using MacPorts, the path is



I had to setup the Project SDK before selecting gradle path. Once that was set correctly, I had to choose "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended) in "Import Project from Gradle" dialog.

Still works if I remove gradle using brew:

$ brew remove gradle


This is where my gradle home is (Arch Linux):



I had some weird errors where it could not find my class, I had to right click on my src folder (was red) to "Make Directory as" -> Source Folder Root

Martin Pfeffer

Click New -> Project from existing sources -> Import gradle project...

Then Idea recognized gradle automatically.


I couldn't get it to accept my Gradle JVM selection until I deleted a broken JDK

Th window below is from File -> Other Settings -> Structure For New Projects...

I had a red 1.8 JDK SDK entry here, once I deleted that Gradle JVM error below disappeared and I could move on to the next step


In case you are using Mac, most probably your gradle home should be /usr/local/gradle-2.0 for example.

In preference of IDEA search for gradle and set gradle home as given above. It should work