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How can I refresh a page with jQuery?

How do I refresh a page using JavaScript?

Since jQuery is a javascript framework for easy DOM-manipulation and event-binding, I would recommend you to ask for javascript instead of jQuery.
You don't need jQuery for this.
More relevant than ever:
@Stardust You don't need jQuery for anything which you do with jQuery because of everything possible with JavaScript if you can do it jQuery.

Mateen Ulhaq

Use location.reload().

For example, to reload whenever an element with id="something" is clicked:

$('#something').click(function() {

The reload() function takes an optional parameter that can be set to true to force a reload from the server rather than the cache. The parameter defaults to false, so by default the page may reload from the browser's cache.

This didn't work for me. This worked though: window.location.href=window.location.href;
This didn't work for me. window.location.href=window.location.href; and location.href=location.href; worked.
window.location.reload(true); will hard refresh, otherwise by default it's false
Just run window.location.reload()!
@FaridAbbas location.reload(); is standard javascript. You don't need jQuery for it.
Ionică Bizău

There are multiple unlimited ways to refresh a page with JavaScript:

location.reload() history.go(0) location.href = location.href location.href = location.pathname location.replace(location.pathname) location.reload(false) If we needed to pull the document from the web-server again (such as where the document contents change dynamically) we would pass the argument as true.

You can continue the list being creative:

window.location = window.location

window.self.window.self.window.window.location = window.location

...and other 534 ways

var methods = [ "location.reload()", "history.go(0)", "location.href = location.href", "location.href = location.pathname", "location.replace(location.pathname)", "location.reload(false)" ]; var $body = $("body"); for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) { (function(cMethod) { $body.append($("

Mateen Ulhaq

This works on all browsers:


If you're wondering how well supported this is exactly, here's the Can I use?

Lots of ways will work, I suppose:




This window.location.href=window.location.href; will do nothing if your URL has a #/hashbang on the end
In case anyone's wondering what the difference between location.reload() and history.go(0) is: there is none. The relevant section of the HTML 5 spec at explicitly dictates that they are equivalent: "When the go(delta) method is invoked, if the argument to the method was omitted or has the value zero, the user agent must act as if the location.reload() method was called instead."
The only one that worked for me was this one: window.location.href=window.location.href;
window.location.href=window.location.href worked for me

To reload a page with jQuery, do:

    url: "",
    context: document.body,
    success: function(s,x){

The approach here that I used was Ajax jQuery. I tested it on Chrome 13. Then I put the code in the handler that will trigger the reload. The URL is "", which means this page.

Downvoting. This does not really answer the question, but instead shows how to replace the page's HTML with an Ajax response. That's different from reloading the page: for example, I'm working with a situation right now where this would not work to solve the original problem.
One trouble with reloading the entire HTML like this is having to manually call onload/ready events and mitigate the the overwriting of previously declared variables whose state you may wish to retain after the refresh.
Unless you're very careful with your code this will lead to memory leaks where you've attached event handlers and such without detaching them before replacing the code they're attached to.
I'm using this to reload our dashboard every second, zero flicker! It's the poor man's comet/json api. Thanks to @DanielLlewellyn et al. for warnings.
A few people have commented that this approach is useful to refresh only a portion of the page. It isn't. I think those people are misunderstanding the context parameter of $.ajax and expecting it to somehow perform some kind of magic. All it does is set the this value of callback functions. Ajax to a URL of "" will hit the URL you're currently on, thereby ordinarily loading the complete HTML (including <html> and <head> and <body>), and nothing in this answer filters out the stuff you don't want.
Mark Amery

If the current page was loaded by a POST request, you may want to use

window.location = window.location.pathname;

instead of


because window.location.reload() will prompt for confirmation if called on a page that was loaded by a POST request.

This will lose the querystring however, whereas window.location = window.location will not
@mrmillsy window.location = window.location is also imperfect, however; it does nothing if there is a fragid (hashbang) in the current URL.
Peter Mortensen

The question should be,

How to refresh a page with JavaScript

window.location.href = window.location.href; //This is a possibility
window.location.reload(); //Another possiblity
history.go(0); //And another

You're spoiled for choice.

Peter Mortensen

You may want to use


forceGet is a boolean and optional.

The default is false which reloads the page from the cache.

Set this parameter to true if you want to force the browser to get the page from the server to get rid of the cache as well.

Or just


if you want quick and easy with caching.


Three approaches with different cache-related behaviours:

location.reload(true) In browsers that implement the forcedReload parameter of location.reload(), reloads by fetching a fresh copy of the page and all of its resources (scripts, stylesheets, images, etc.). Will not serve any resources from the cache - gets fresh copies from the server without sending any if-modified-since or if-none-match headers in the request. Equivalent to the user doing a "hard reload" in browsers where that's possible. Note that passing true to location.reload() is supported in Firefox (see MDN) and Internet Explorer (see MSDN) but is not supported universally and is not part of the W3 HTML 5 spec, nor the W3 draft HTML 5.1 spec, nor the WHATWG HTML Living Standard. In unsupporting browsers, like Google Chrome, location.reload(true) behaves the same as location.reload().

location.reload() or location.reload(false) Reloads the page, fetching a fresh, non-cached copy of the page HTML itself, and performing RFC 7234 revalidation requests for any resources (like scripts) that the browser has cached, even if they are fresh are RFC 7234 permits the browser to serve them without revalidation. Exactly how the browser should utilise its cache when performing a location.reload() call isn't specified or documented as far as I can tell; I determined the behaviour above by experimentation. This is equivalent to the user simply pressing the "refresh" button in their browser.

location = location (or infinitely many other possible techniques that involve assigning to location or to its properties) Only works if the page's URL doesn't contain a fragid/hashbang! Reloads the page without refetching or revalidating any fresh resources from the cache. If the page's HTML itself is fresh, this will reload the page without performing any HTTP requests at all. This is equivalent (from a caching perspective) to the user opening the page in a new tab. However, if the page's URL contains a hash, this will have no effect. Again, the caching behaviour here is unspecified as far as I know; I determined it by testing.

So, in summary, you want to use:

location = location for maximum use of the cache, as long as the page doesn't have a hash in its URL, in which case this won't work

location.reload(true) to fetch new copies of all resources without revalidating (although it's not universally supported and will behave no differently to location.reload() in some browsers, like Chrome)

location.reload() to faithfully reproduce the effect of the user clicking the 'refresh' button.

+1 for location = location; not many people seem to suggest it although it's shorter than most the answers provided, the only downside is it's readability I guess whereas location.reload() is a bit more semantic
@Brandito More importantly, location = location doesn't work if there's a hash in the URL. For any site that uses fragids - or even for any site where somebody linking to a page might conceivably add a fragid to the URL - that makes it broken.
Peter Mortensen

window.location.reload() will reload from the server and will load all your data, scripts, images, etc. again.

So if you just want to refresh the HTML, the window.location = document.URL will return much quicker and with less traffic. But it will not reload the page if there is a hash (#) in the URL.

This behaviour is true in Chrome, at least - location.reload() forces revalidation of cached resources, even without arguments, while window.location = document.URL is happy to serve cached resources without hitting the server as long as they're fresh.
Peter Mortensen

The jQuery Load function can also perform a page refresh:

$('body').load('views/file.html', function () {

No, this isn't a page refresh.
Fer To

As the question is generic, let's try to sum up possible solutions for the answer:

Simple plain JavaScript Solution:

The easiest way is a one line solution placed in an appropriate way:


What many people are missing here, because they hope to get some "points" is that the reload() function itself offers a Boolean as a parameter (details:

The Location.reload() method reloads the resource from the current URL. Its optional unique parameter is a Boolean, which, when it is true, causes the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the browser may reload the page from its cache.

This means there are two ways:

Solution1: Force reloading the current page from the server


Solution2: Reloading from cache or server (based on browser and your config)


And if you want to combine it with jQuery an listening to an event, I would recommend using the ".on()" method instead of ".click" or other event wrappers, e.g. a more proper solution would be:

$('#reloadIt').on('eventXyZ', function() {

William Entriken

Here is a solution that asynchronously reloads a page using jQuery. It avoids the flicker caused by window.location = window.location. This example shows a page that reloads continuously, as in a dashboard. It is battle-tested and is running on an information display TV in Times Square.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">
    <script src="//"></script>
    function refresh() {
        url: "",
        dataType: "text",
        success: function(html) {
    <div id="fu">


Using $.ajax directly like $.get('',function(data){$(document.body).html(data)}) causes css/js files to get cache-busted, even if you use cache: true, that's why we use parseHTML

parseHTML will NOT find a body tag so your whole body needs to go in an extra div, I hope this nugget of knowledge helps you one day, you can guess how we chose the id for that div

Use http-equiv="refresh" just in case something goes wrong with javascript/server hiccup, then the page will STILL reload without you getting a phone call

This approach probably leaks memory somehow, the http-equiv refresh fixes that

Peter Mortensen

I found

window.location.href = "";


window.location.href = null;

also makes a page refresh.

This makes it very much easier to reload the page removing any hash. This is very nice when I am using AngularJS in the iOS simulator, so that I don't have to rerun the app.

nice shoot, i wasn't aware of that.
Roshana Pitigala

You can use JavaScript location.reload() method. This method accepts a boolean parameter. true or false. If the parameter is true; the page always reloaded from the server. If it is false; which is the default or with empty parameter browser reload the page from it's cache.

With true parameter

<button type="button" onclick="location.reload(true);">Reload page</button>

With default/ false parameter

 <button type="button" onclick="location.reload();">Reload page</button>

Using jquery

<button id="Reloadpage">Reload page</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#Reloadpage').click(function() {


You don't need anything from jQuery, to reload a page using pure JavaScript, just use reload function on location property like this:


By default, this will reload the page using the browser cache (if exists)...

If you'd like to do force reload the page, just pass a true value to reload method like below...


Also if you are already in window scope, you can get rid of window and do:


Christophe Le Besnerais





OP mentioned specifically "with jQuery" (even though as already noted by many, this maybe should not be a jQuery question)
Pri Nce

This works for me.

function reload(){

Nirav Joshi
<i id="refresh" class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"></i>


Tharindu Lakshan

you may need to use


or also may need to use


forceGet is a boolean and optional.

Set this parameter to true if you want to force the browser to take the page from the server to receive rid of the cache as well


Use onclick="return location.reload();" within the button tag.

<button id="refersh-page" name="refersh-page" type="button" onclick="return location.reload();">Refesh Page</button>

Tim Diekmann

If you are using jQuery and want to refresh, then try adding your jQuery in a javascript function:

I wanted to hide an iframe from a page when clicking oh an h3, for me it worked but I wasn't able to click the item that allowed me to view the iframe to begin with unless I refreshed the browser manually...not ideal.

I tried the following:

var hide = () => {

Mixing plain Jane javascript with your jQuery should work.

// code where hide (where location.reload was used)function was integrated, below    
    iFrameInsert = () => {
        var file = `Fe1FVoW0Nt4`;
        $("#frame").html(`<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"${file}\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe><h3>Close Player</h3>`);
        $("h3").enter code hereclick(hide);

// View Player 


All the answers here are good. Since the question specifies about reloading the page with , I just thought adding something more for future readers.

jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. ~ Wikipedia ~

So you'll understand that the foundation of , or is based on . So going with pure is way better when it comes to simple things.

But if you need a solution, here's one.

$(location).attr('href', '');


There are many ways to reload the current pages, but somehow using those approaches you can see page updated but not with few cache values will be there, so overcome that issue or if you wish to make hard requests then use the below code.

    //Here, it will make a hard request or reload the current page and clear the cache as well.

    location.reload(false); OR location.reload();
    //It can be reload the page with cache


You can write it in two ways. 1st is the standard way of reloading the page also called as simple refresh

location.reload(); //simple refresh

And another is called the hard refresh. Here you pass the boolean expression and set it to true. This will reload the page destroying the older cache and displaying the contents from scratch.

location.reload(true);//hard refresh

Code-only answers are generally frowned upon on this site. Could you please edit your answer to include some comments or explanation of your code? Explanations should answer questions like: What does it do? How does it do it? Where does it go? How does it solve OP's problem? See: How to anwser. Thanks!

Simple Javascript Solution:

 location = location; 

Kamil Kiełczewski

Probably shortest (12 chars) - use history


Ankush Kumar
$(document).on("click", "#refresh_btn", function(event) 

Na Nonthasen

It is shortest in JavaScript.

window.location = '';


Y'all may need to use


forceGet is a boolean and optional.

The default is false, which reloads the page of the cache.