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Which status code should I use for failed validations or invalid duplicates?

I am building an application with a REST-based API and have come to the point where I am specifying status codes for each requests.

What status code should i send for requests failing validation or where a request is trying to add a duplicate in my database?

I've looked through but none of them seems right.

Is there a common practice when sending status codes?


For input validation failure: 400 Bad Request + your optional description. This is suggested in the book "RESTful Web Services". For double submit: 409 Conflict

Update June 2014

The relevant specification used to be RFC2616, which gave the use of 400 (Bad Request) rather narrowly as

The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax

So it might have been argued that it was inappropriate for semantic errors. But not any more; since June 2014 the relevant standard RFC 7231, which supersedes the previous RFC2616, gives the use of 400 (Bad Request) more broadly as

the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error

Yes, the request body is part of the syntax.
Bad request is definitely the most common response to this kind of issue. The only other alternative is 422 Unprocessable Entity. It actually comes from WebDav but it is perfectly valid to reuse any status code that has been registered with IANA.
So how do you differentiate between malformed data that the server can't even parse, and a validation error? A client would handle these two responses completely differently. For validation, they'd likely display the errors to the user. For truly "malformed data", they would log the error so the the bug in the method that generates the request could be fixed.
I disagree with your interpretation of RFC7231, although it states something perceived to be a client error, all the examples given in this paragraph are violations of HTTP protocol, not logical errors: syntax, framing, routing. Thus, I consider that HTTP spec does not allow 400 for failed validation on application level.
why not use a 422 - Unprocessable entity? Seems more logical to me
Kyle Macey

Failed validation: 403 Forbidden ("The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it"). Contrary to popular opinion, RFC2616 doesn't say "403 is only intended for failed authentication", but "403: I know what you want, but I won't do that". That condition may or may not be due to authentication.

Trying to add a duplicate: 409 Conflict ("The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.")

You should definitely give a more detailed explanation in the response headers and/or body (e.g. with a custom header - X-Status-Reason: Validation failed).

@deamon: That is not the specification, that's Wikipedia, i.e. someone's opinion on "what HTTP status codes mean"; note that the page essentialy says "this is what Apache means with 403, this is what IIS means with 403", and nowhere does it reference the official RFC. You seem to be repeating "403 means whatever Apache says". NOT. The actual RFC (which is the relevant document, not Apache's implementation, not IIS' implementation, not anyone else's implementation) is here:
"10.4.4 403 Forbidden The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead." I see no emphasis there ("SHOULD/SHOULD NOT" are RFC 2119 keywords, not emphasis); that's your idea what "forbidden" means, not RFC's.
I like this answer, but still see one small problem. According to the spec, when a 403 is returned, "the request SHOULD NOT be repeated". However, returning a 409 "is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request". In the case of a duplicate, I think 403 is then more appropriate, as you cannot really resolve the conflict (except by deleting the previous instance of the resource).
For the error message itself you should modify the reason phrase, so sending the header HTTP/1.0 403 Form validation errors is the cleanest way to go.
IMO, 422 "Unprocessable Entity" makes much more sense. My reasoning is that it's not that the server refuses to fulfill request, it's that the server can't fulfill the request.

I recommend status code 422, "Unprocessable Entity".

11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

Of course it is an HTTP status code, see There are more status codes than those defined in RFC 2616.
WebDAV is a HTTP extension. "HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)" So, status code 422 is not a http status code, but a status code of an extions of http.
deamon, that doesn't make sense. HTTP defines how to define new codes, and that's what WebDAV is doing. There's a status code registry for a reason.
FYI - RFC description of 422: 11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
And threads don't 'expire'. They need to be kept living or top google search results start to become inaccurate.

200,300, 400, 500 are all very generic. If you want generic, 400 is OK.

422 is used by an increasing number of APIs, and is even used by Rails out of the box.

No matter which status code you pick for your API, someone will disagree. But I prefer 422 because I think of '400 + text status' as too generic. Also, you aren't taking advantage of a JSON-ready parser; in contrast, a 422 with a JSON response is very explicit, and a great deal of error information can be conveyed.

Speaking of JSON response, I tend to standardize on the Rails error response for this case, which is:

    "errors" :
        "arg1" : ["error msg 1", "error msg 2", ...]
        "arg2" : ["error msg 1", "error msg 2", ...]

This format is perfect for form validation, which I consider the most complex case to support in terms of 'error reporting richness'. If your error structure is this, it will likely handle all your error reporting needs.

What about errors arising from interactions among the args. That is, arg1 is valid and arg2 is valid, but the combination of the two, with the the specific values sent, is not valid.
I wouldn't over think it; just pick one that appears to own the relationship.
or even just error on both args. As a user, I think I'd want to see the error on each of the fields that are conflicting, I think.
Nice!. explicit is better than implicit
Arsen Khachaturyan

A duplicate in the database should be a 409 CONFLICT.

I recommend using 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY for validation errors.

I give a longer explanation of 4xx codes here.



Ugh... (309, 400, 403, 409, 415, 422)... a lot of answers trying to guess, argue and standardize what is the best return code for a successful HTTP request but a failed REST call.

It is wrong to mix HTTP status codes and REST status codes.

However, I saw many implementations mixing them, and many developers may not agree with me.

HTTP return codes are related to the HTTP Request itself. A REST call is done using a Hypertext Transfer Protocol request and it works at a lower level than invoked REST method itself. REST is a concept/approach, and its output is a business/logical result, while HTTP result code is a transport one.

For example, returning "404 Not found" when you call /users/ is confuse, because it may mean:

URI is wrong (HTTP)

No users are found (REST)

"403 Forbidden/Access Denied" may mean:

Special permission needed. Browsers can handle it by asking the user/password. (HTTP)

Wrong access permissions configured on the server. (HTTP)

You need to be authenticated (REST)

And the list may continue with '500 Server error" (an Apache/Nginx HTTP thrown error or a business constraint error in REST) or other HTTP errors etc...

From the code, it's hard to understand what was the failure reason, a HTTP (transport) failure or a REST (logical) failure.

If the HTTP request physically was performed successfully it should always return 200 code, regardless is the record(s) found or not. Because URI resource is found and was handled by the HTTP server. Yes, it may return an empty set. Is it possible to receive an empty web-page with 200 as HTTP result, right?

Instead of this you may return 200 HTTP code with some options:

"error" object in JSON result if something goes wrong

Empty JSON array/object if no record found

A bool result/success flag in combination with previous options for a better handling.

Also, some internet providers may intercept your requests and return you a 404 HTTP code. This does not means that your data are not found, but it's something wrong at transport level.

From Wiki:

In July 2004, the UK telecom provider BT Group deployed the Cleanfeed content blocking system, which returns a 404 error to any request for content identified as potentially illegal by the Internet Watch Foundation. Other ISPs return a HTTP 403 "forbidden" error in the same circumstances. The practice of employing fake 404 errors as a means to conceal censorship has also been reported in Thailand and Tunisia. In Tunisia, where censorship was severe before the 2011 revolution, people became aware of the nature of the fake 404 errors and created an imaginary character named "Ammar 404" who represents "the invisible censor".

Why not simply answer with something like this?

  "result": false,
  "error": {"code": 102, "message": "Validation failed: Wrong NAME."}

Google always returns 200 as status code in their Geocoding API, even if the request logically fails:

Facebook always return 200 for successful HTTP requests, even if REST request fails:

It's simple, HTTP status codes are for HTTP requests. REST API is Your, define Your status codes.

Actually, using HTTP status codes for REST is even more confusing down the road: 1) you see 4xx in your developer's toolbox and you can't say by just glancing at it whether server returned some sensible value or failed to process your request at all and then 2) all your error/exception/catch handlers should check what server returned as a response (mostly they don't since you'd have to do it on every service call) and many times 3) you get the same payload (type) on both success and error path leading to complicated/duplicated code... Very confusing indeed.
This answer confuses the original semantics of the HTTP protocol vs how REST over HTTP as an architectural style re-purposes HTTP to implement web service APIs. As an architectural style, REST is not a standard to be rigorously followed, it is a suggested approach. Using a 200 response for a validation failure is not right or wrong, however it is confusing to your clients to respond that the request succeeded, but actually failed due to a validation failure, an important detail that is obscured within the body of the response, the semantics of which the client has to parse to understand.
@Marcodor if your API call fails but you return 200 indicating success, how is this a good idea? it's unclear and confusing to consumers of your API.
Correct for many reasons, not just the separation of HTTP vs REST errors. REST validation often requires more nuance. For example, record accepted but flagged as a duplicate vs. rejected for a unique index violation. You also want a consistent return model. The .NET BadRequest() method has its own return model that will differ from your regular return model. That's a nightmare to parse. @KevinHooke, returning HTTP 200 for a REST validation error is like saying, "I received your message, the answer is no, and here's why." Returning HTTP 400 says, "I don't know what you're talking about."
the "because google does it , it must be right" argument is crazy to me..its ok to challenge something google has implemented kids. Returning HTTP 200 for an unsuccessful rest call confuses the caller of the API it should be 4xx and one can include a pretty JSON/XML in the body...lets stop the insanity together.
Daniel Kmak

Ember-Data's ActiveRecord adapter expects 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY to be returned from server. So, if you're client is written in Ember.js you should use 422. Only then DS.Errors will be populated with returned errors. You can of course change 422 to any other code in your adapter.


Status Code 304 Not Modified would also make an acceptable response to a duplicate request. This is similar to processing a header of If-None-Match using an entity tag.

In my opinion, @Piskvor's answer is the more obvious choice to what I perceive is the intent of the original question, but I have an alternative that is also relevant.

If you want to treat a duplicate request as a warning or notification rather than as an error, a response status code of 304 Not Modified and Content-Location header identifying the existing resource would be just as valid. When the intent is merely to ensure that a resource exists, a duplicate request would not be an error but a confirmation. The request is not wrong, but is simply redundant, and the client can refer to the existing resource.

In other words, the request is good, but since the resource already exists, the server does not need to perform any further processing.

It was my understanding that 304 is intended for GET operations to assist with caching.
@Sinaesthetic That's fair, but 304 also assists with caching. Your comment in a different answer about using 303 would itself have made an excellent answer.
This doesn't make any sense. How are you going to treat a duplicate request as NOT an error? You are adding a NEW resource and you get a "found a duplicate" response. What's next? You don't add it? Then it's a failure, because the INTENTION was to ADD a resource. If you intend to modify the existing resource you do it directly on that existing resource, not by trying to add a new one. If you want to check whether resource exists, you do it by querying the resource, not by attempting to add a new resource and checking if you get back "duplicate warning".