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Angular 2 - How do I navigate to another route using this.router.parent.navigate('/about')?

Angular 2 - How do I navigate to another route using this.router.parent.navigate('/about')?

It doesn't seem to work. I tried location.go("/about"); as that didn't work.

Basically, once a user has logged in I want to redirect them to another page.

Here is my code below:

 import {Component} from 'angular2/angular2';
 import {CORE_DIRECTIVES, FORM_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/angular2';
 import {Router} from 'angular2/router';

 import {AuthService} from '../../authService';

 class User {
   constructor(public email: string, public password: string) {}


 export class Todo {   
     model = new User('', 'Password'); 
     router: Router;

   constructor(_router: Router, _authService: AuthService){   
       this.authService = _authService;
       this.router = _router;

   onLogin = () => {
       this.authService.logUserIn(this.model).then((success) => {      

          //This is where its broke - below:          

Also, I've set the route config in my app.ts file like so: @RouteConfig([ { path: '/', redirectTo: '/home' }, { path: '/home', component: Todo, as: 'Home' }, { path: '/about', component: About, as: 'About' } ])
you should remove the / in your paths as it isnt required


Absolute path routing

There are 2 methods for navigation, .navigate() and .navigateByUrl()

You can use the method .navigateByUrl() for absolute path routing:

import {Router} from '@angular/router';

constructor(private router: Router) {}

navigateToLogin() {

You put the absolute path to the URL of the component you want to navigate to.

Note: Always specify the complete absolute path when calling router's navigateByUrl method. Absolute paths must start with a leading /

// Absolute route - Goes up to root level    

// Absolute route - Goes up to root level with route params   

Relative path routing

If you want to use relative path routing, use the .navigate() method.

NOTE: It's a little unintuitive how the routing works, particularly parent, sibling, and child routes:

// Parent route - Goes up one level 
// (notice the how it seems like you're going up 2 levels)
this.router.navigate(['../../parent'], { relativeTo: this.route });

// Sibling route - Stays at the current level and moves laterally, 
// (looks like up to parent then down to sibling)
this.router.navigate(['../sibling'], { relativeTo: this.route });

// Child route - Moves down one level
this.router.navigate(['./child'], { relativeTo: this.route });

// Moves laterally, and also add route parameters
// if you are at the root and = 15, will result in '/sibling/15'
this.router.navigate(['../sibling',], { relativeTo: this.route });

// Moves laterally, and also add multiple route parameters
// will result in '/sibling;id=15;foo=foo'. 
// Note: this does not produce query string URL notation with ? and & ... instead it
// produces a matrix URL notation, an alternative way to pass parameters in a URL.
this.router.navigate(['../sibling', { id:, foo: 'foo' }], { relativeTo: this.route });

Or if you just need to navigate within the current route path, but to a different route parameter:

// If has a value of '15'
// This will take you from `/hero` to `/hero/15`
this.router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this.route });

Link parameters array

A link parameters array holds the following ingredients for router navigation:

The path of the route to the destination component. ['/hero']

Required and optional route parameters that go into the route URL. ['/hero',] or ['/hero', { id:, foo: baa }]

Directory-like syntax

The router supports directory-like syntax in a link parameters list to help guide route name lookup:

./ or no leading slash is relative to the current level.

../ to go up one level in the route path.

You can combine relative navigation syntax with an ancestor path. If you must navigate to a sibling route, you could use the ../<sibling> convention to go up one level, then over and down the sibling route path.

Important notes about relative nagivation

To navigate a relative path with the Router.navigate method, you must supply the ActivatedRoute to give the router knowledge of where you are in the current route tree.

After the link parameters array, add an object with a relativeTo property set to the ActivatedRoute. The router then calculates the target URL based on the active route's location.

From official Angular Router Documentation

Mind you if you have children routes: { path: 'home', component: Home, children: homeRoutes } Then you want to provide that to the router method: this.router.navigate(['home/address-search']) OR this.router.navigateByUrl(/'home/address-search')
Even this is a good answer, is important to notice that this.router= Router; may confuse some readers, in this case is a mention to a dependency injection of Router, which should me made using this code instead constructor( private router: Router )
@siddharta Thanks for the tip, I did not notice that until you pointed it out. I must have originally written it quickly and intended to update it later but forgot. The example has been updated to use proper dependency injection now.
@TetraDev and where did "this.route" come from :D, add it to ur dependencies

You should use


As well as specifying the route path, you can also specify your route's name:

{ path:'/About', name: 'About',   ... }


Hi, when I do that I get this error message in my typescript compiler: "Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type any[], Property push is missing in type String"
I tried this and it didnt work: this.router.parent.navigate('[/About]');
You should use this syntax: this.router.parent.navigate(['/About']); You have to pass array ['/About'] not string '[/About]'
For router 3 beta use this._router.navigate(['/some-route']);
Shaishab Roy

Also can use without parent

say router definition like:

{path:'/about',    name: 'About',   component: AboutComponent}

then can navigate by name instead of path

goToAboutPage() {
    this.router.navigate(['About']); // here "About" is name not path

Updated for V2.3.0

In Routing from v2.0 name property no more exist. route define without name property. so you should use path instead of name. this.router.navigate(['/path']) and no leading slash for path so use path: 'about' instead of path: '/about'

router definition like:

{path:'about', component: AboutComponent}

then can navigate by path

goToAboutPage() {
    this.router.navigate(['/about']); // here "About" is path

name is deprecated on the Route type in Angular 2.0.
in Angular 2 v2.3.0 the data shall to be used instead of name. For more details ->
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
//in your constructor
constructor(public router: Router){}


While this code snippet may be the solution, including an explanation really helps to improve the quality of your post. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, and those people might not know the reasons for your code suggestion.

Personally, I found that, since we maintain a ngRoutes collection (long story) i find the most enjoyment from:

GOTO(ri) {

I actually use it as part of one of our interview questions. This way, I can get a near-instant read at who's been developing forever by watching who twitches when they run into GOTO(1) for Homepage redirection.

Arent there something missing here?